Pattern Space Maintainer (PSM) Version 2.0 ============================== PSM is a software for maintaining the frequent pattern space (in terms of equivalent classes) when insertions/deletions are made to the transaction database. It also handles changes in the pattern space due to change in the support threshold. Usage of PSM Datasets: t8_2.dat --- orgininal dataset --- incremental dataset t8_20p.close --- existing equivelance classes information t8_full_20p.tree --- intermediate file t8_full_20p.neg --- intermediate file t9_full_20p.key --- existing generators 1. One needs to generate the existing frequent patterns using ECgen. usage: ecgen example: ecgen t8_2.dat t8_full_20p 0.2 2. One now can maintain the frequent patterns with PSM+ usage: psm [options...] -e existing pattern file name -i incremental file name -d decremental file name -iu incremental update size -du decremental update size -s min support threshold -o output file name -p print or not example for incremental update: psm -e t8_full_20p -i -iu 2 -s 0.2 -o test example for support adjustment: psm -e t8_full_20p -s 0.1 -o test example for decrementla update: psm -e t8_full_20p -d t8_2.dec -du 2 -s 0.2 -o test Credits: This software was developed by Mengling Feng as part of his PhD thesis. The work was supported by a A*STAR AGS scholarship and by MOE Tier-1 grant R-252-040-238-101/R-252-060-238-133 and A*STAR SERC PSF grant SERC 072 101 0016. If you use this software, please cite the following papers: Mengling Feng, Jinyan Li, Limsoon Wong, Yap-Peng Tan. Negative Generator Border for Effective Pattern Maintenance. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications, pages 217--228, Chengdu, China, 8-10 October 2008.