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Here is a database representing YAC/Alu-PCR physical mapping data:

YAC1: {(
  #id: string,
  #pos-alupcr-hit: { string})}     ! Alu-PCR1.#id

Alu-PCR1: {(
  #id: string,
  #pos-yac-hit: { string},         ! YAC1.#id
  #source: string)}                ! YAC1.#id

Here is a second database representing YAC/STS physical mapping data:

YAC2: {(
  #id: string,
  #pos-sts-hit: { string})}        ! STS2.#id

STS2: {(
  #id: string,
  #pos-yac-hit: { string},         ! YAC2.#id
  #source-5': string,              ! YAC2.#id --- not null if 5' juntion used
  #source-3': string)}             ! YAC2.#id --- not null if 3' junction used

An example integration of the two databases into a single database containing information about both STS and Alu-PCR results:

YAC: {(
  #id: string,
  #pos-alupcr-hit: { string},     ! ALU-PCR.#id
  #pos-sts-hit: { string})}       ! STS.#id

STS: {(
  #id: string,
  #pos-yac-hit: { string},        ! YAC.#id
  #source: string,                ! YAC.#id
  #primer-end: string)}           ! "5'" or "3'"

  #id: string,
  #pos-yac-hit: { string},        ! YAC.#id
  #source: string)}               ! YAC.#id

Wong Lim Soon