The Meandering Irrawaddy

Mr and Mrs Wong

Weng Fai WONG

That's me.

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science
School of Computing
National University of Singapore
Office: COM2-03-56 (it got renumbered on May 24, 2010 - still the same place)
13, Computing Drive
Singapore 117417
Republic of Singapore
email: wongwf at
Tel: (+65) 6516 6902
Fax: (+65) 6779 4580

I was borned where almost all Singaporeans of my generation were borned - in the Kandang Kerbau (K.K. a.k.a. "Teck-ka") Hospital in one supposed-to-have-been-autumn-but-it's-always-summer-here night in 1964.

At the appropriate age, I was shipped off to a PAP kindergarden (1969), then to Towner Primary School (1970-1976), Victoria School (1976-1980) (see also this) and National Junior College (1980-1982)... so-so results. After the army stint, I entered my beloved DISCS in 1985, graduating in 1988 with BSc and a year later obtained my BSc(Hons). I ended up with a job as a Senior Tutor in DISCS in 1989 - till now, I am still not sure what caused this great fortune to hit me. I proceeded on to my MSc. By the time it was awarded in 1991, I was already in Tokyo, Japan. Yet another great fortune hit me as I managed to get a job as a researcher in Japan. I returned to DISCS as a Lecturer in July 1993 with a Dr.Eng.Sc. degree from the University of Tsukuba.

I am interested in too many things for my own good. But in computing, I am mainly into programming languages and systems as well as computer architecture. For those who bothers, please check out my embarassingly short publication list.

By the way, I am a Member of ACM and a Senior Member of the IEEE. I am also on the Editorial Board of the journal "Software Practice and Experience".

A tribute to my late teachers and advisors, Professor Eiichi Goto and Professor Kisaburo Nakazawa. Without them, I would not have my PhD. May they rest in peace.

"You need the willingness to fail all the time. You have to generate many ideas and then you have to work very hard only to discover that they don't work. And you keep doing that over and over until you find one that does work." -- John Backus (1924-2007, inventor of Fortran) on innovation.

Some stuff I would like to showoff...

Click to email me lah

Last updated Jul 25, 2014