Research Fellow [Github] [Google Scholar] [CV] [Research Statement] [Teaching Statement]
Department of Computer Science
National University of Singapore (NUS)

Lab: PL&SE Research Lab B41 (COM3)
Email: yahui_s AT nus DOT edu DOT sg
Address: NUS COM3, 11 Research Link, Singapore 119391


About Me

I am a Research Fellow in the Automated Program Repair group at NUS, working with Professor Abhik Roychoudhury.
I defended my PhD in May 2023 at the School of Computing (Soc), NUS, supervised by Associate Professor Wei-Ngan Chin.
I received my Master's degree from NUS in 2018, and my Bachelor's degree in computer science from Sun Yat-sen University, China, in 2017.
My research interests are: specification and verification, program analyses, automated program repair, temporal logic, and separation logic.


Research Paper

Student Research Competition


Unpublished Manuscripts

  • "Automated Temporal Verification for Preemptive Asynchronous Programs" [pdf] [code]
    by Yahui Song, Wei-Ngan Chin.

  • "An SQL Frontend on top of OCaml for Data Analysis" (Presented in IFL2022) [pdf] [slides] [code]
    by Yan Dong, Yahui Song, Wei-Ngan Chin.
    The 34th Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, Copenhagen, Denmark.


Teaching Experience
