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4.16 Input and output

SWI-Prolog provides two different packages for input and output. The native I/O system is based on the ISO standard predicates open/3, close/1 and friends. (31) Being more widely portable and equiped with a clearer and more robust specification, new code is encouraged to use these predicates for manipulation of I/O streams.

Section 4.16.2 describes tell/1, see/1 and friends, providing I/O in the spirit of the outdated Edinburgh standard. These predicates are layered on top of the ISO predicates. Both packages are fully integrated; the user may switch freely between them.

4.16.1 ISO Input and Output Streams

The predicates described in this section provide ISO compliant I/O, where streams are explicitly created using the predicate open/3. The resulting stream identifier is then passed as a parameter to the reading and writing predicates to specify the source or destination of the data.

This schema is not vulnerable to filename and stream ambiguities as well as changes to the working directory. New code is adviced to use these predicates to manage input and output streams.

open(+SrcDest, +Mode, -Stream, +Options)
ISO compliant predicate to open a stream. SrcDes is either an atom, specifying a file, or a term `pipe(Command)', like see/1 and tell/1. Mode is one of read, write, append or update. Mode append opens the file for writing, positioning the file-pointer at the end. Mode update opens the file for writing, positioning the file-pointer at the beginning of the file without truncating the file. Stream is either a variable, in which case it is bound to an integer identifying the stream, or an atom, in which case this atom will be the stream identifier. (32) The Options list can contain the following options:

Using type text (default), Prolog will write a text-file in an operating-system compatible way. Using type binary the bytes will be read or written without any translation. Note there is no difference between the two on Unix systems.

Gives the stream a name. Below is an example. Be careful with this option as stream-names are global. See also set_stream/2.

?- open(data, read, Fd, [alias(input)]).

        read(input, Term),

Defines what happens if the end of the input stream is reached. Action eof_code makes get0/1 and friends return -1 and read/1 and friends return the atom end_of_file. Repetitive reading keeps yielding the same result. Action error is like eof_code, but repetitive reading will raise an error. With action reset, Prolog will examine the file again and return more data if the file has grown.

Defines output buffering. The atom full (default) defines full buffering, line buffering by line, and false implies the stream is fully unbuffered. Smaller buffering is useful if another process or the user is waiting for the output as it is being produced. See also flush_output/[0,1]. This option is not an ISO option.

If true (default), the stream is closed on an abort (see abort/0). If false, the stream is not closed. If it is an output stream, it will be flushed however. Useful for logfiles and if the stream is associated to a process (using the pipe/1 construct).

Try to obtain a lock on the open file. Default is none, which does not lock the file. The value read or shared means other processes may read the file, but not write it. The value write or exclusive means no other process may read or write the file.

Locks are acquired through the POSIX function fcntl() using the command F_SETLKW, which makes a blocked call wait for the lock to be released. Please note that fcntl() locks are advisory and therefore only other applications using the same advisory locks honour your lock. As there are many issues around locking in Unix, expecially related to NFS (network file system), please study the fcntl() manual page before trusting your locks!

The lock option is a SWI-Prolog extension.

The option reposition is not supported in SWI-Prolog. All streams connected to a file may be repositioned.

open(+SrcDest, +Mode, ?Stream)
Equivalent to open/4 with an empty option-list.

Open a stream that produces no output. All counting functions are enabled on such a stream. An attempt to read from a null-stream will immediately signal end-of-file. Similar to Unix /dev/null. Stream can be an atom, giving the null-stream an alias name.

Close the specified stream. If Stream is not open an error message is displayed. If the closed stream is the current input or output stream the terminal is made the current input or output.

close(+Stream, +Options)
Provides close(Stream, [force(true)]) as the only option. Called this way, any resource error (such as write-errors while flushing the output buffer) are ignored.

stream_property(?Stream, ?StreamProperty)
ISO compatible predicate for querying status of open I/O streams. StreamProperty is one of:

If Stream is associated to a file, unify Atom to the name of this file.

Unify IOMode to the mode given to open/4 for opening the stream. Values are: read, write, append and the SWI-Prolog extension update.

True if Stream has mode read.

True if Stream has mode write, append or update.

If Atom is bound, test of the stream has the specified alias. Otherwise unify Atom with the first alias of the stream. (33)

Unify Term with the current stream-position. A stream-position is a term of format $stream_position(CharIndex, LineNo, LinePos). See also set_stream_position/2.

If Stream is an input stream, unify E with one of the atoms not, at or past. See also at_end_of_stream/[0,1].

Unify A with one of eof_code, reset or error. See open/4 for details.

Unify Bool with true if the position of the stream can be set (see seek/4). It is assumed the position can be set if the stream has a seek-function and is not based on a POSIX file-descriptor that is not associated to a regular file.

Unify Bool with text or binary.

If the stream is associated with a POSIX file-descriptor, unify Integer with the descriptor number. SWI-Prolog extension used primarily for integration with foreign code. See also Sfileno() from SWI-Stream.h.

This property is reported with Bool equals true if the stream is associated with a terminal. See also set_stream/2.

SWI-Prolog extension to query the buffering mode of this stream. Buffering is one of full, line or false. See also open/4.

current_stream(?Object, ?Mode, ?Stream)
The predicate current_stream/3 is used to access the status of a stream as well as to generate all open streams. Object is the name of the file opened if the stream refers to an open file, an integer file-descriptor if the stream encapsulates an operating-system stream or the atom if the stream refers to some other object. Mode is one of read or write.

set_stream_position(+Stream, +Pos)
Set the current position of Stream to Pos. Pos is a term as returned by stream_property/2 using the position(Pos) property. See also seek/4.

seek(+Stream, +Offset, +Method, -NewLocation)
Reposition the current point of the given Stream. Method is one of bof, current or eof, indicating positioning relative to the start, current point or end of the underlying object. NewLocation is unified with the new offset, relative to the start of the stream.

If the seek modifies the current location, the line number and character position in the line are set to 0.

If the stream cannot be repostioned, a reposition error is raised. The predicate seek/4 is compatible to Quintus Prolog, though the error conditions and signalling is ISO compliant. See also stream_property/2 and set_stream_position/2. Please note that the use of seek/4 on non-binary files (see open/4) is of limited use as the reffered positions are byte offsets.

set_stream(+Stream, +Attribute)
Modify an attribute of an existing stream. Attribute specifies the stream property to set. See also stream_property/2 and open/4.

Set the alias of an already created stream. If AliasName is the name of one of the standard streams is used, this stream is rebound. Thus, set_stream(S, current_input) is the same as set_input/1 and by setting the alias of a stream to user_input, etc. all user terminal input is read from this stream. See also interactor/0.

Set the buffering mode of an already created stream. Buffering is one of full, line or false.

Set end-of-file handling to one of eof_code, reset or error.

Determine whether or not the stream is closed by abort/0. By default streams are closed.

This option can be used to make streams generate an exception if it takes longer than Seconds before any new data arrives at the stream. The value infinite (default) makes the stream block indefinitely. Like wait_for_input/3, this call only applies to streams that support the select() system call. For further information about timeout handling, see wait_for_input/3. The exception is of the form
error(timeout_error(read, Stream), _)

Do/do not record the line-count and line-position (see line_count/2 and line_position/2).

Set the file name associated to this stream. This call can be used to set the file for error-locations if Stream corresponds to FileName and is not optained by opening the file directly but, for example, through a network service.

Modify whether Prolog thinks there is a terminal (i.e. human interaction) connected to this stream. On Unix systems the initial value comes from isatty(). On Windows, the initial user streams are supposed to be associated to a terminal. See also stream_property/2.

set_prolog_IO(+In, +Out, +Error)
Prepare the given streams for interactive behaviour normally associated to the terminal. In becomes the user_input and current_input of the calling thread. Out becomes user_output and current_output. If Error equals Out an unbuffered stream is associated to the same destination and linked to user_error. Otherwise Error is used for user_error. Output buffering for Out is set to line and buffering on Error is disabled. See also prolog/0 and set_stream/2. The clib package provides the library library(prolog_server) creating a TCP/IP server for creating an interactive session to Prolog.

4.16.2 Edinburgh-style I/O

The package for implicit input and output destination is (almost) compatible to Edinburgh DEC-10 and C-Prolog. The reading and writing predicates refer to resp. the current input- and output stream. Initially these streams are connected to the terminal. The current output stream is changed using tell/1 or append/1. The current input stream is changed using see/1. The streams current value can be obtained using telling/1 for output- and seeing/1 for input streams.

Source and destination are either a file, user, or a term `pipe(Command)'. The reserved stream name user refers to the terminal. (34) In the predicate descriptions below we will call the source/destination argument `SrcDest'. Below are some examples of source/destination specifications.

?- see(data). % Start reading from file `data'.
?- tell(user). % Start writing to the terminal.
?- tell(pipe(lpr)). % Start writing to the printer.

Another example of using the pipe/1 construct is shown below. (35) Note that the pipe/1 construct is not part of Prolog's standard I/O repertoire.

getwd(Wd) :-
        seeing(Old), see(pipe(pwd)), 
        seen, see(Old), 
        atom_codes(Wd, String).

collect_wd([C|R]) :-
        get0(C), C \== -1, !, 

Compatibility notes

Unlike Edinburgh Prolog systems, telling/1 and seeing/1 do not return the filename of the current input/output, but the stream-identifier, to ensure the design pattern below works under all circumstances. (36)

        telling(Old), tell(x),
        told, tell(Old),

The predicates tell/1 and see/1 first check for user, the pipe(command) and a stream-handle. Otherwise, if the argument is an atom it is first compared to open streams associated to a file with exactly the same name. If such a stream, created using tell/1 or see/1 exists, output (input) is switch to the open stream. Otherwise a file with the specified name is opened.

The behaviour is compatible to Edinburgh Prolog. This is not without problems. Changing directory, non-file streams, multiple names referring to the same file easily lead to unexpected behaviour. New code, especially when managing multiple I/O channals should consider using the ISO I/O predicates defined in section 4.16.1.

Open SrcDest for reading and make it the current input (see set_input/1). If SrcDest is a stream-handle, just makes this stream the current input. See the introduction of section 4.16.2 for details.

Open SrcDest for writing and make it the current output (see set_output/1). If SrcDest is a stream-handle, just makes this stream the current output. See the introduction of section 4.16.2 for details.

Similar to tell/1, but positions the file pointer at the end of File rather than truncating an existing file. The pipe construct is not accepted by this predicate.

Same as current_input/1, except that user is returned if the current input is the stream user_input to improve compatibility with traditional Edinburgh I/O. See the introduction of section 4.16.2 for details.

Same as current_output/1, except that user is returned if the current output is the stream user_output to improve compatibility with traditional Edinburgh I/O. See the introduction of section 4.16.2 for details.

Close the current input stream. The new input stream becomes user_input.

Close the current output stream. The new output stream becomes user_output.

4.16.3 Switching Between Edinburgh and ISO I/O

The predicates below can be used for switching between the implicit- and the explicit stream based I/O predicates.

Set the current input stream to become Stream. Thus, open(file, read, Stream), set_input(Stream) is equivalent to see(file).

Set the current output stream to become Stream.

Get the current input stream. Useful to get access to the status predicates associated with streams.

Get the current output stream.