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A.8 library( clp/bounds ): Integer Bounds Constraint Solver

Author: Tom Schrijvers, K.U.Leuven

The bounds solver is a rather simple integer constraint solver, implemented with attributed variables. Its syntax is a subset of the SICStus clp(FD) syntax. Please note that the library(clp/bounds) library is not an autoload library and therefore this library must be loaded explicitely before using it using:

:- use_module(library('clp/bounds')).

A.8.1 Constraints

The following constraints are supported:

-Var in +Range
Varibale Var is restricted to be in rage Range. A range is denoted by L..U where both L and U are integers.

-Vars in +Range
A list of variables Vars are restriced to be in range Range.

?Expr #> ?Expr
The left-hand expression is constrained to be greater than the right-hand expressions.

?Expr #< ?Expr
The left-hand expression is constrained to be smaller than the right-hand expressions.

?Expr #>= ?Expr
The left-hand expression is constrained to be greater than or equal to the right-hand expressions.

?Expr #=< ?Expr
The left-hand expression is constrained to be smaller than or equal to the right-hand expressions.

?Expr #= ?Expr
The left-hand expression is constrained to be equal to the right-hand expressions.

?Expr #\= ?Expr
The left-hand expression is constrained to be not equal to the right-hand expressions.

All variables in the list Vars are constrained to be different.

All variables are assigned a variable that does not violate the constraint on them.

Here Expr can be one of

Any integer.
A variable.

?Expr + ?Expr
The sum of two expressions.

?Expr * ?Expr
The product of two expressions.

?Expr - ?Expr
The difference of two expressions.

The maximum of two expressions.

The minimum of two expressions.

?Expr mod ?Expr
The first expression modulo the second expression.

The absolute value of an expression.

A.8.2 Constraint Implication and Reified Constraints

The following constraint implication predicates are available:

+P #=> +Q
P implies Q, where P and Q are reifyable constraints.

+Q #<= +P
P implies Q, where P and Q are reifyable constraints.

+P #<=> +Q
P and Q are equivalent, where P and Q are reifyable constraints.

In addition, instead of being a reifyable constraint, either P or Q can be a boolean variable that is the truth value of the corresponding constraint.

The following constraints are reifyable: #=/2, #\=/2, #</2, #>/2, #=</2, #>/2.

For example, to count the number of occurrences of a particular value in a list of constraint variables:

A.8.3 Example

The following is an implementation of the classic alphametics puzzle SEND + MORE = MONEY:

:- use_module(library('clp/bounds')).

send([[S,E,N,D], [M,O,R,E], [M,O,N,E,Y]])  :-
              Digits   =  [S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y],
              Carries  =  [C1,C2,C3,C4],
              Digits  in  0..9,
              Carries in  0..1,

              M                #=              C4,
              O  +  10  *  C4  #=  M  +  S  +  C3,
              N  +  10  *  C3  #=  O  +  E  +  C2,
              E  +  10  *  C2  #=  R  +  N  +  C1,
              Y  +  10  *  C1  #=  E  +  D,

              M  #>=  1,
              S  #>=  1,

A.8.4 SICStus clp(FD) compatibility

Apart from the limited syntax, the bounds solver differs in the following ways from the SICStus clp(FD) solver: