Package org.openide.awt

A set of utility classes pertaining to the visual appearance of the IDE.


Interface Summary
Actions.SubMenuModel Interface for the creating Actions.SubMenu.
HtmlBrowser.Factory Implementation of BrowerFactory creates new instances of some Browser implementation.
SpinButtonListener Listener for SpinButton component.
SplittedPanel.SplitChangeListener A listener interface for tracking split point changes
Toolbar.DnDListener DnDListener is Drag and Drop listener for Toolbar motion events.
ToolbarPool.Configuration Abstract class for toolbar configuration
UndoRedo Undo and Redo manager for top components and workspace elements.

Class Summary
Actions Supporting class for manipulation with menu and toolbar presenters.
Actions.CheckboxMenuItem CheckboxMenuItem extends the java.awt.CheckboxMenuItem and adds a connection to Corona boolean state actions.
Actions.MenuItem Actions.MenuItem extends the java.awt.MenuItem and adds a connection to Corona system actions.
Actions.SubMenu SubMenu provides easy way of displaying submenu items based on SubMenuModel.
Actions.ToolbarButton Component shown in toolbar, representing an action.
Actions.ToolbarToggleButton The Component for BooleeanState action that is to be shown in a toolbar.
EqualFlowLayout EqualFlowLayout is a layout manager that works the same way as FlowLayout.
HtmlBrowser Object that provides viewer for HTML pages.
HtmlBrowser.Impl This interface represents an implementation of html browser used in HtmlBrowser.
JInlineMenu Deprecated. JInlineMenu is resizing itself after being displayed, this behavior causes a lot of troubles for Swing/AWT on various platforms.
JMenuPlus A subclass of JMenu which provides workaround for pre-JDK 1.2.2 JMenu positioning problem.
JPopupMenuPlus A subclass of JPopupMenu which ensures that the popup menus do not stretch off the edges of the screen.
JPopupMenuUtils A class that contains a set of utility classes and methods around displaying and positioning popup menus.
ListPane ListPane.
MenuBar An extended version of swing's JMenuBar.
MouseUtils A class that contains a set of utility classes and methods around mouse events and processing.
MouseUtils.PopupMouseAdapter The PopupMouseAdapter implements a better popup menu invocation mechanism.
SpinButton A class that produces a Spin Button.
SpinButtonAdapter Listener for SpinButton component.
SplittedPanel The SplittedPanel widget is a Panel that can contain one or two components and place them side-by-side vertically or horizontally with a splitter in the middle.
SplittedPanel.EmptySplitter The EmptySplitter is an empty splitter component with specified width.
SplittedPanel.SplitChangeEvent An event that describes a split point change
Toolbar Toolbar provides a component which is useful for displaying commonly used actions.
Toolbar.DnDEvent DnDEvent is Toolbar's drag and drop event.
ToolbarButton An implementation of a toolbar button.
ToolbarPool This class keeps track of the current toolbars and their names.
ToolbarToggleButton An implementation of a toggle toolbar button.
UndoRedo.Empty Empty implementation that does not support any undoable edits.
UndoRedo.Manager An undo manager which fires a change event each time it consumes a new undoable edit.

Package org.openide.awt Description

A set of utility classes pertaining to the visual appearance of the IDE.

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.