Uses of Class

Packages that use DataObject
org.openide.actions There are a number of standard system actions available for use in the IDE. 
org.openide.compiler Different compiler implementations may be plugged into the IDE to build files from source. 
org.openide.debugger The IDE can support plugged-in implementations of an abstract debugger interface. 
org.openide.execution The IDE uses a small interface to describe the execution of Java-based classes together with arguments. 
org.openide.loaders DataSystems are the logical layer between a filesystem and the regular functions of the IDE. 
org.openide.text The IDE is able to integrate multiple editors for different content types and mechanically access their content. Most parts of the IDE do not manipulate windows directly, but use special top components

Uses of DataObject in org.openide.actions

Methods in org.openide.actions with parameters of type DataObject
static Set InstantiateAction.instantiateTemplate(DataObject obj)
          Instantiate a template object.
static boolean ExecuteAction.execute(DataObject[] dataObjects, boolean compileBefore)
          Execute some data objects.

Uses of DataObject in org.openide.compiler

Methods in org.openide.compiler with parameters of type DataObject
abstract  void CompilerType.prepareJob(CompilerJob job, Class type, DataObject obj)
          Prepare a data object for compilation.
 void ExternalCompilerType.prepareJob(CompilerJob job, Class type, DataObject obj)
          Starts the compilation.

Uses of DataObject in org.openide.debugger

Methods in org.openide.debugger with parameters of type DataObject
 void DebuggerType.startDebugger(DataObject obj, boolean stopOnMain)
          Starts debugging for a dataobject.

Uses of DataObject in org.openide.execution

Methods in org.openide.execution with parameters of type DataObject
 ExecutorTask Executor.execute(DataObject obj)
          Executes a dataobject.
protected  Process ProcessExecutor.createProcess(DataObject obj)
          Called to create the java.lang.Process for given data object.
 ExecutorTask ProcessExecutor.execute(DataObject obj)
          Executes given dataobject by creating new process in underlying operating system.

Uses of DataObject in org.openide.loaders

Subclasses of DataObject in org.openide.loaders
 class DataFolder
          A folder containing data objects.
 class DataShadow
          Default implementation of a shortcut to another data object.
 class InstanceDataObject
          A data object whose only purpose is to supply InstanceCookie.
 class MultiDataObject
          Provides support for handling of data objects with multiple files.
 class XMLDataObject
          Object that provides main functionality for xml documents.

Methods in org.openide.loaders that return DataObject
 DataObject DataLoader.findDataObject(FileObject fo, DataLoader.RecognizedFiles recognized)
          Find a data object appropriate to the given file object--the meat of this class.
protected abstract  DataObject DataLoader.handleFindDataObject(FileObject fo, DataLoader.RecognizedFiles recognized)
          Find a data object appropriate to the given file object (as implemented in subclasses).
protected  DataObject MultiFileLoader.handleFindDataObject(FileObject fo, DataLoader.RecognizedFiles recognized)
static DataObject DataObject.find(FileObject fo)
          Finds the data object for a specified file object.
 DataObject DataObject.copy(DataFolder f)
          Copy this object to a folder.
protected abstract  DataObject DataObject.handleCopy(DataFolder f)
          Copy this object to a folder (implemented by subclasses).
 DataObject DataObject.createFromTemplate(DataFolder f)
          Create a new object from template (with a name depending on the template).
 DataObject DataObject.createFromTemplate(DataFolder f, String name)
          Create a new object from template.
protected abstract  DataObject DataObject.handleCreateFromTemplate(DataFolder df, String name)
          Create a new data object from template (implemented in subclasses).
protected  DataObject MultiDataObject.handleCopy(DataFolder df)
          Copies primary and secondary files to new folder.
protected  DataObject MultiDataObject.handleCreateFromTemplate(DataFolder df, String name)
 DataObject OperationEvent.getObject()
          Get the data object that has been modified.
 DataObject OperationEvent.Copy.getOriginalDataObject()
          Get the original data object.
 DataObject[] DataFolder.getChildren()
          Get the children of this folder.
protected  DataObject DataFolder.handleCopy(DataFolder f)
          Copy this object to a folder.
protected  DataObject DataFolder.handleCreateFromTemplate(DataFolder f, String name)
 DataObject DataNode.getDataObject()
          Get the represented data object.
protected static DataObject DataShadow.deserialize(FileObject fileObject)
          Loads proper dataShadow from the file fileObject.
 DataObject DataShadow.getOriginal()
          Return the original shadowed object.
 DataObject[] DataShadow.getChildren()
          Implementation of Container interface.
 DataObject TemplateWizard.getTemplate()
          Getter for template to create object from.
protected  DataObject InstanceDataObject.handleCreateFromTemplate(DataFolder df, String name)
protected  DataObject InstanceDataObject.handleCopy(DataFolder df)
 DataObject DataObjectExistsException.getDataObject()
          Get the object which already exists.
protected  DataObject OpenSupport.Env.getDataObject()
          Getter for data object.
 DataObject DataLoaderPool.findDataObject(FileObject fo)
          Find a data object for this file object (not for normal users of the APIs).
 DataObject DataLoaderPool.findDataObject(FileObject fo, DataLoader.RecognizedFiles r)
          Find a data object for this file object, considering already-recognized files (not for normal users of the APIs).
 DataObject[] DataObject.Container.getChildren()
 DataObject[] DataObject.Registry.getModified()
          Get modified objects.
static DataObject LoaderTransfer.getDataObject(Transferable t, int action)
          Obtain a DataObject from a transferable.
static DataObject[] LoaderTransfer.getDataObjects(Transferable t, int action)
          Obtain a list of DataObjects from a transferable.

Methods in org.openide.loaders with parameters of type DataObject
 void DataFolder.setOrder(DataObject[] arr)
          Set the order of the children.
static Lookup Environment.find(DataObject obj)
          Finds a lookup for given data object.
 Lookup Environment.Provider.getEnvironment(DataObject obj)
          Returns a lookup that represents environment.
 boolean DataFilter.acceptDataObject(DataObject obj)
          Should the data object be displayed or not?
static DataShadow DataShadow.create(DataFolder folder, DataObject original)
          Method that creates new data shadow in a folder.
static DataShadow DataShadow.create(DataFolder folder, String name, DataObject original)
          Method that creates new data shadow in a folder.
static DataShadow DataShadow.create(DataFolder folder, String name, DataObject original, String ext)
          Method that creates new data shadow in a folder.
 void TemplateWizard.setTemplate(DataObject obj)
          Sets the template.
 Set TemplateWizard.instantiate(DataObject template)
          Chooses the template and instantiates it.
 Set TemplateWizard.instantiate(DataObject template, DataFolder targetFolder)
          Chooses the template and instantiates it.
static void TemplateWizard.setDescription(DataObject obj, URL url)
          Method to attach a description to a data object.
static URL TemplateWizard.getDescription(DataObject obj)
          Method to get a description for a data object.
static void TemplateWizard.setDescriptionAsResource(DataObject obj, String rsrc)
          Deprecated. Use TemplateWizard.setDescription(org.openide.loaders.DataObject, instead.
static String TemplateWizard.getDescriptionAsResource(DataObject obj)
          Deprecated. Use TemplateWizard.getDescription(org.openide.loaders.DataObject) instead.
static void TemplateWizard.setIterator(DataObject obj, TemplateWizard.Iterator iter)
          Allows to attach a special Iterator to a template.
static TemplateWizard.Iterator TemplateWizard.getIterator(DataObject obj)
          Finds a custom iterator attached to a template that should be used to instantiate the object.
protected  InstanceCookie FolderInstance.acceptDataObject(DataObject dob)
          Allows subclasses to decide whether they want to work with the specified DataObject or not.
protected  Object FolderInstance.instanceForCookie(DataObject obj, InstanceCookie cookie)
          Method that is called when a the folder instance really wants to create an object from provided cookie.
protected  Object FolderLookup.instanceForCookie(DataObject dobj, InstanceCookie cookie)
          Overrides superclass method.
static ExTransferable.Single LoaderTransfer.transferable(DataObject d, int actions)
          Creates transferable that represents an operation, such as cut-to-clipboard.

Constructors in org.openide.loaders with parameters of type DataObject
DataNode(DataObject obj, Children ch)
          Create a data node for a given data object.
DataShadow(FileObject fo, DataObject original, MultiFileLoader loader)
          Constructs new data shadow for given primary file and referenced original.
DataShadow(FileObject fo, DataObject original, DataLoader loader)
          Deprecated. Since 1.13 do not use this constructor, it is for backward compatibility only
DataObjectExistsException(DataObject obj)
          Create new exception.
OpenSupport.Env(DataObject obj)

Uses of DataObject in org.openide.text

Fields in org.openide.text declared as DataObject
protected  DataObject EditorSupport.Editor.obj
          data object to work with

Methods in org.openide.text that return DataObject
 DataObject Line.getDataObject()
          Get the data object this line is a part of.
 DataObject DataEditorSupport.getDataObject()
          Getter of the data object that this support is associated with.

Constructors in org.openide.text with parameters of type DataObject
Line(DataObject obj)
          Create a new line object based on a given data object.
DocumentLine(DataObject obj, PositionRef pos)
DataEditorSupport(DataObject obj, CloneableEditorSupport.Env env)
          Editor support for a given data object.
DataEditorSupport.Env(DataObject obj)
EditorSupport.Editor(DataObject obj)
EditorSupport.Editor(DataObject obj, EditorSupport support)

Uses of DataObject in

Constructors in with parameters of type DataObject
TopComponent(DataObject obj)
          Create a top component associated with a data object.
CloneableTopComponent(DataObject obj)
          Create a cloneable top component associated with a data object.

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.