Uses of Class

Packages that use OutputWriter
org.openide Jumping-off points for all the rest of the IDE's functionality. Most parts of the IDE do not manipulate windows directly, but use special top components

Uses of OutputWriter in org.openide

Methods in org.openide that return OutputWriter
abstract  OutputWriter TopManager.getStdOut()
          Support writing to the Output Window on the main tab.

Uses of OutputWriter in

Subclasses of OutputWriter in
static class InputOutput.NullOutputWriter
          Deprecated. Use InputOutput.NULL instead.

Fields in declared as OutputWriter
static OutputWriter InputOutput.nullWriter
          Deprecated. Use InputOutput.NULL instead.

Methods in that return OutputWriter
 OutputWriter InputOutput.getOut()
          Acquire an output writer to write to the tab.
 OutputWriter InputOutput.getErr()
          Get an output writer to write to the tab in error mode.
 OutputWriter InputOutput.Null.getOut()
 OutputWriter InputOutput.Null.getErr()

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.