Swing 1.1
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y _


N - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Attribute
NAME - Static variable in interface javax.swing.Action
The key used for storing the name for the action, used for a menu or button.
NAME - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Attribute
NameAttribute - Static variable in interface javax.swing.text.AttributeSet
Attribute name used to name the collection of attributes.
NameAttribute - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Attribute name used to name the collection of attributes.
navigateFocusedComp(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToolBarUI
navigateKey - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicDesktopPaneUI
navigateKey2 - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicDesktopPaneUI
navigateSelectedTab(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
NEGATIVE_SCROLL - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI
newAttributes - Variable in class javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.AttributeUndoableEdit
newDataAvailable(TableModelEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
Equivalent to fireTableChanged.
newFolderIcon - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
newLeadSelectionPath - Variable in class javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent
leadSelectionPath after the paths changed, may be null.
NEWLINE - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.AbstractWriter
newRowsAdded(TableModelEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
This method will make sure the new rows have the correct number of columns.
next() - Method in class javax.swing.text.ElementIterator
Fetches the next Element.
next() - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument.Iterator
Move the iterator forward to the next occurence of the tag it represents.
nextTabStop(float, int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.PlainView
Returns the next tab stop position after a given reference position.
nextTabStop(float, int) - Method in interface javax.swing.text.TabExpander
Returns the next tab stop position given a reference position.
nextTabStop(float, int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.WrappedPlainView
Returns the next tab stop position after a given reference position.
nextTabStop(float, int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.ParagraphView
Returns the next tab stop position given a reference position.
nextWordAction - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the Action for moving the caret to the begining of the next word.
NO_HIGHLIGHT - Static variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI
NO_OPTION - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Return value from class method if NO is chosen.
nodeChanged(TreeNode) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
Invoke this method after you've changed how node is to be represented in the tree.
nodeDimensions - Variable in class javax.swing.tree.AbstractLayoutCache
Object responsible for getting the size of a node.
nodeDimensions - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Reponsible for telling the TreeState the size needed for a node.
nodesChanged(TreeNode, int[]) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
Invoke this method after you've changed how the children identified by childIndicies are to be represented in the tree.
nodeStructureChanged(TreeNode) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
Invoke this method if you've totally changed the children of node and its childrens children...
nodesWereInserted(TreeNode, int[]) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
Invoke this method after you've inserted some TreeNodes into node.
nodesWereRemoved(TreeNode, int[], Object[]) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
Invoke this method after you've removed some TreeNodes from node.
noFocusBorder - Static variable in class javax.swing.DefaultListCellRenderer
noFocusBorder - Static variable in class javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer
noFocusBorder - Static variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxRenderer
NOFRAMES - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Tag
NOHREF - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Attribute
NON_CONTINUOUS_DIVIDER - Static variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI
The divider used for non-continuous layout is added to the split pane with this object.
nonContinuousLayoutDivider - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI
Instance for the shadow of the divider when non continuous layout is being used.
NONE_OPTION - Static variable in class javax.swing.DebugGraphics
Don't debug graphics operations.
NORESIZE - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Attribute
normalizeTabRuns(int, int, int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI.TabbedPaneLayout
normalizeTabRuns(int, int, int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalTabbedPaneUI.TabbedPaneLayout
NORTH - Static variable in interface javax.swing.SwingConstants
Compass-direction North (up).
NORTH_EAST - Static variable in interface javax.swing.SwingConstants
Compass-direction north-east (upper right).
NORTH_WEST - Static variable in interface javax.swing.SwingConstants
Compass-direction north west (upper left).
northPane - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI
NOSHADE - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Attribute
notifyAction - Static variable in class javax.swing.JTextField
Name of the action to send notification that the contents of the field have been accepted.
notifyPathChange(Vector, TreePath) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
Notifies listeners of a change in path.
notSelectedTextColor - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
notSelectedTitleColor - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
NOWRAP - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Attribute
NULL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML

Swing 1.1
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y _
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