Swing 1.1

Class Segment


public class Segment
extends Object

A segment of a character array representing a fragment of text. It should be treated as immutable even though the array is directly accessable. This gives fast access to fragments of text without the overhead of copying around characters. This is effectively an unprotected String.

Field Summary
 char[] array
          This is the array containing the text of interest.
 int count
          This is the number of array elements that make up the text of interest.
 int offset
          This is the offset into the array that the desired text begins.
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new segment.
Segment(char[] array, int offset, int count)
          Creates a new segment referring to an existing array.
Method Summary
 String toString()
          Converts a segment into a String.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public char[] array
This is the array containing the text of interest. This array should never be modified; it is available only for efficiency.


public int offset
This is the offset into the array that the desired text begins.


public int count
This is the number of array elements that make up the text of interest.
Constructor Detail


public Segment()
Creates a new segment.


public Segment(char[] array,
               int offset,
               int count)
Creates a new segment referring to an existing array.
array - the array to refer to
offset - the offset into the array
count - the number of characters
Method Detail


public String toString()
Converts a segment into a String.
the string
toString in class Object

Swing 1.1

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