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Mixing Heavy and Light Components 

By Amy Fowler

Although the Swing component set provides alternatives to using pre-Swing  AWT components (such as Button, List, and the like), one of the primary  design goals for Swing was that it be based on AWT architecture.

Bathroom Scale ImageA  significant benefit of such layering is that it greatly facilitates porting  AWT-component programs to Swing. In fact, because both the AWT and Swing  component sets use the same AWT infrastructure, it's possible to mix both  kinds of components in the same program -- a technique that allows for  phased migration of applications.

This article will lay out the rules for mixing components, and will provide  some information and guidelines that we hope will make the mixing of AWT  and Swing components as painless as possible.

    NOTE:  If you aren't familiar with AWT components or their architecture, see  the "Introducing  Swing" article in the current issue.

Heavy and light components

Most of the issues related to mixing AWT and Swing components are related  to the mixing of so-called heavyweight and lightweight components.  A heavyweight component is one that is associated with its own  native screen resource (commonly known as a peer). A lightweight component is one that "borrows" the screen resource of an ancestor  (which means it has no native resource of its own -- so it's "lighter").

(Lightweight component support was introduced in JDK1.1, and you can  read more about it in the JDK1.1  Lightweight UI Framework design document.)

We generally don't recommend mixing Swing and AWT components because  there are significant benefits in sticking with programs that are written  entirely in Swing (and thus use only lightweight components).

Some of the benefits of using Swing components are:

  • More efficient use of resources: Lightweight components are  really "lighter" than heavyweight components.
  • More consistency across platforms because Swing is written  entirely in Java.
  • Cleaner look-and-feel integration: You can give a set of components  a matching look-and-feel by implementing them using Swing.

Despite the benefits of using Swing components exclusively, a developer  may sometimes have to mix AWT components and Swing components in the same  program (even when migration is not to blame). For example, such mixing  may be required when a Swing version of a particular AWT component is  not yet available.

Because there's sometimes no alternative to mixing heavyweight and lightweight  components, we have provided a few options in Swing to make a certain  level of component-mixing possible. However, as anyone who has tried this  approach knows, there are some practical limitations to this approach.

Heavy vs. light: the differences

There are some significant differences between lightweight and heavyweight  components. And, since all AWT components are heavyweight and all Swing  components are lightweight (except for the top-level ones: JWindow, JFrame,  JDialog, and JApplet), these differences become painfully apparent when  you start mixing Swing components with AWT components.

The differences boil down to the following:

  • A lightweight component can have transparent pixels; a heavyweight  is always opaque.
  • A lightweight component can appear to be non-rectangular because of  its ability to set transparent areas; a heavyweight can only be rectangular.
  • Mouse events on a lightweight component fall through to its parent;  mouse events on a heavyweight component do not fall through to its parent.
  • When a lightweight component overlaps a heavyweight component, the  heavyweight component is always on top, regardless of the relative z-order  of the two components.

Z-order limitations

It is Issue No. 4 -- the one that applies to overlapping components --  that causes the most grief for developers who are mixing AWT and Swing  components. This limitation exists because of the fact that a lightweight  component re-uses the screen real estate of its nearest heavyweight ancestor  and is therefore restricted to the z-order position of that ancestor.  To illustrate, say your application had the following containment hierarchy  (where "H" means heavyweight and "L" means lightweight):




For the sake of the example, let's assume that the two labels overlap,  and that the z-order value of the Swing label places it "on top"  of the AWT label. But it still looks like this:


The Swing label will never appear to be on top of the AWT label because  the Swing label is rendering its contents in the native window of the  frame (its first heavyweight ancestor), while the AWT label is rendering  its contents in its own native window, which is actually a child of the  frame's native window.

If the Swing and AWT components do not overlap, then in general there  should be no problems mixing them within the same container.

     Guideline  No. 1

    Do not mix lightweight (Swing) and heavyweight (AWT) components within  a container where the lightweight component is expected to overlap the  heavyweight one.

Swing-specific Z-order issues

The lightweight/heavyweight z-order limitation causes some problems in  specific areas of Swing. When developers run into these problems, they  often don't realize the cause, and immediately conclude that there's a  bug in Swing. The three most common z-order-related problems have to do  with Swing's JScrollPane and JInternalFrame classes, and its popup components.

Swing's ScrollPane

Both the JScrollPane class and its viewport -- which clips its scrollable  child -- are lightweight components. Consequently, heavyweight components  cannot be handled properly when they are placed inside a JScrollPane's  viewport. This is a window created by a little program that places both  a Swing JButton and an AWT Button within a JScrollPane:


As you can see, the lightweight viewport cannot -- and does not -- clip  the heavyweight AWT button properly.

    Guideline  No. 2

    Do not place heavyweight (AWT) components inside a JScrollPane. If  you need to scroll areas containing heavyweight components, use AWT's  ScrollPane instead.

Swing's JInternalFrame component

Swing's JInternalFrame is a lightweight component. Typically, InternalFrame  components are placed inside a JDesktopPane component, where the user  can move the InternalFrames around in such a way that they can potentially  overlap. Therefore, if heavyweight components are placed inside an InternalFrame,  and that InternalFrame is overlapped by another InternalFrame, the first  frame's heavyweight children will always be on top, potentially obscuring  the other InternalFrame. This is a screen shot that illustrates this problem:


The Swing team is considering adding the option of creating InternalFrames  as heavyweight containers in a future Swing release to alleviate this  problem. However, until then, adhere to the following guideline:

    Guideline  No. 3

    Do not place heavyweight (AWT) components inside a JInternalFrame.

Swing popup components

Swing provides a number of components that create popup windows (windows that dynamically appear when the user clicks on the component).  These popup components are JPopupMenu, JComboBox, and JMenuBar.

Swing attempts to maximize popup performance by dynamically choosing  the most efficient container to display a popup just prior to showing  the popup. The types of popups created are:

  • LightWeight Popup: a lightweight container.
  • MediumWeight Popup: an AWT heavyweight Panel.
  • HeavyWeight Popup: a JWindow (heavyweight top-level window).

The rules that Swing uses to determine which popup to use are:

  • If a popup does not fit within the bounds of the top-level window  that contains the popup component, then a HeavyWeight popup is  always used to ensure the entire popup will be visible.
  • If a popup will fit within the bounds of the top-level window which  contains the popup component, and a popup's lightWeightPopupEnabled property is true, then a LightWeight popup is used for  maximum efficiency.
  • If a popup will fit within the bounds of the top-level window that  contains the popup component, and a popup's lightWeightPopupEnabled property is false, then a MediumWeight popup is used.

Another benefit of displaying lightweight and medium-weight popups is  that within a browser environment, this strategy avoids the display of  the "Warning Applet" banner in the menus.

By default, the lightWeightPopupEnabled property is set to true for all popup components. Therefore, if you place a Swing popup component  in a container that also contains an AWT heavyweight control, then it's  possible that the popup will be obscured by the heavyweight control (if  conditions are such that a "lightweight popup" is used). For  example, if you place a JComboBox and an AWT Button in a panel, you might  see the following result when you activate the combo box:


Notice that the combo box's popup window is painted behind the  AWT button!

Fortunately, programs can easily disable the LightWeight Popup feature  by setting the lightWeightPopupEnabled property to false.  There are two ways to perform this operation. First, you can change the  default value for this property globally for a program using the following  static method on JPopupMenu:

public static void

Once this method is invoked with a value of false, all popup  components subsequently instantiated will initialize their lightWeightPopupEnabled  property to false.

Second, a program can control this for individual popup instances by  using instance methods provided by JPopupMenu and JComboBox:

public void setLightWeightPopupEnabled(boolean)

Setting this property on individual popup instances will override the  default value controlled by the static JPopupMenu method.

Example: Mixing components

The following sample program mixes a Swing MenuBar (a lightweight component)  with an AWT Button (A heavyweight component). The "Lite" menu-bar  menu defaults to enable lightweight popups while the "Heavy"  menu uses the setDefaultLightWeightPopupEnabled() method to ensure  the menu is never lightweight.

import java.awt.*;

import com.sun.java.swing.*;
public class MixPopupTest extends JFrame {
    public MixPopupTest() {
       super("Mix Popup Test");
       JMenuBar menubar = new JMenuBar();
       // Create lightweight-enabled menu
       JMenu menu = new JMenu("Lite Menu");
       menu.add("Fruit Plate");
       // Create lightweight-disabled menu
       menu = new JMenu("Heavy Menu");
       menu.add("Filet Mignon");
       menu.add("Banana Split");
       // Create Heavyweight AWT Button
       Button heavy = new Button
           ("  Heavyweight Button  ");
       // Add heavy button to box
       Box box = Box.createVerticalBox();
       getContentPane().add("Center", box);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MixPopupTest t = new MixPopupTest();

    note_smThe  Solaris version of AWT currently has a bug that can cause MediumWeight  popups to not be displayed properly.

    See the Solaris MediumWeight popup bug overview for a more complete description  of the problem and the workaround you can use to fix it.

    Guideline  No. 4

    If you place Swing popup components in a window containing heavyweight  components and it's possible that the popup windows will intersect a  heavyweight, then invoke


    before the popup components are instantiated.


If you understand the limitations of mixing Swing and AWT components,  it is generally possible to build Java programs which use both in harmony.  However, because there are significant advantages to using lightweight  components, we recommend using lightweights (and Swing!) wherever possible  and only using heavyweight components where a lightweight version either  isn't yet available or doesn't meet your program's needs.

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