BAP Data Sets

Sept 2002, Oct-2002, Feb-2007, Sept-2008

An instance of the BAP Partitioning Problem is specified by three files as described below:

Input File Description
section file
info on the sections: number of sections, section lengths, and intersection distances. (Note: section 0 is a virtual section.)
vessel file
info on the vessels: number of vessels, vessel ids, lengths, arrival times, departure times. (Note: vessel 0 is a virtual vessel.)
transshipment file
a list of container transshipments in the form
"source vessel" "destination vessel" "#containers".

In our simplified formulation, the arrival and departure times are given as integers in the range [0..W] where W is the length of the "planning window" for the problem.

The following BAP data sets should be used to test your algorithms. They consists of instances that are:

[Note: Some of the info in the comments headers of these datafiles, (such as filenames, prefix paths) may NOT match the actual datafiles. But these are comments and do NOT affect the running of the programs.]

1 sect001.dat ves001.dat trans001.dat
2 sect002.dat ves002.dat trans002.dat
3 sect003.dat ves003.dat trans003.dat
4 sect004.dat ves004.dat trans004.dat
1 sect005.dat ves005.dat trans005.dat
2 sect101.dat ves101.dat trans101.dat
3 sect102.dat ves102.dat trans102.dat
4 sect103.dat ves103.dat trans103.dat
5 sect104.dat ves104.dat trans104.dat
6 sect105.dat ves105.dat trans105.dat
1 sect144.dat ves144.dat trans144.dat
2 sect145.dat ves145.dat trans145.dat
3 sect146.dat ves146.dat trans146.dat
4 sect151.dat ves151.dat trans151.dat
5 sect153.dat ves153.dat trans153.dat
6 sect154.dat ves154.dat trans154.dat
7 sect161.dat ves161.dat trans161.dat
8 sect165.dat ves165.dat trans165.dat
9 sect167.dat ves167.dat trans167.dat
10 sect172.dat ves172.dat trans172.dat
11 sect181.dat ves181.dat trans181.dat
12 sect182.dat ves182.dat trans182.dat
13 sect183.dat ves183.dat trans183.dat
14 sect184.dat ves184.dat trans184.dat
15 sect185.dat ves185.dat trans185.dat
16 sect186.dat ves186.dat trans186.dat
17 sect187.dat ves187.dat trans187.dat
18 sect188.dat ves188.dat trans188.dat
19 sect189.dat ves189.dat trans189.dat
20 sect190.dat ves190.dat trans190.dat
21 sect191.dat ves191.dat trans191.dat
22 sect192.dat ves192.dat trans192.dat
23 sect193.dat ves193.dat trans193.dat
24 sect194.dat ves194.dat trans194.dat
25 sect195.dat ves195.dat trans195.dat
26 sect196.dat ves196.dat trans196.dat
27 sect197.dat ves197.dat trans197.dat
28 sect198.dat ves198.dat trans198.dat
29 sect199.dat ves199.dat trans199.dat
30 sect200.dat ves200.dat trans200.dat

BAP DataSets, (CS5234, SoC, NUS)