19th International Symposium on Formal Methods


09:20 - 09:30 Welcome

09:30 - 10:30 Invited talk: Model-Based Testing from Theory to Practice and Back

Speaker: MohammadReza Mousavi (Eindhoven University of Technology and Halmstad University)

Abstract: Testing and debugging are indispensable parts of software development and count for more than half of the development time and cost. However, the theory of testing is still in its infancy and has not developed yet fully into a rigorous discpline. In this talk, we present a foundational approach to model-based testing and show how we applied it in testing an operational financial system. Then, we reflect on the shortcomings we encountered while applying the theory and report on our ongoing theoretical work to remedy the encountered shortcomings.

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 - 11:30 Title: Algorithms for Basic Compliance Problems

Speaker: Silvano Colombo Tosatto (University of Luxembourg), Marwane El Kharbili (University of Luxembourg), Guido Governatori (NICTA, Australia), Pierre Kelsen (University of Luxembourg), Qin Ma (University of Luxembourg), and Leendert van der Torre (University of Luxembourg)

11:30 - 12:00 Title: Software-Based Remote Attestation for Safety-Critical Systems

Speaker: Christopher Preschern (Graz University of Technology), Andreas Johann Hörmer (Graz University of Technology), Nermin Kajtazovic (Graz University of Technology), and Christian Kreiner (Graz University of Technology)

12:00 -12:30 Title: Towards Formal Description of Standards for Automotive Operating Systems

Speaker: Hirokazu Yatsu (Kyushu University), Takahiro Ando (Kyushu University), Weiqiang Kong (Kyushu University), Kenji Hisazumi (Kyushu University), Akira Fukuda (Kyushu University), Toshiaki Aoki (JAIST), and Kokichi Futatsugi (JAIST)

12:30 - 14:00 Lunch

14:00 - 15:00 Invited talk: A Framework for the Cryptographic Verification of Java-like Programs

Speaker: Tomasz Truderung (Trier University)

Abstract: We consider the problem of establishing cryptographic guarantees -- in particular, computational indistinguishability -- for Java or Java-like programs that use cryptography. For this purpose, we propose a general framework that enables existing program analysis tools that can check (standard) non-interference properties of Java programs to establish cryptographic security guarantees, even if the tools a priori cannot deal with cryptography. The approach that we take combines techniques from program analysis and simulation-based security. Our framework is stated and proved for a Java-like language that comprises a rich fragment of Java. The general idea of our approach should, however, be applicable also to other practical programming languages.

15:00 - 15:30 Title: A Denotational Model for Interrupt-Driven Programs

Speaker: Yanhong Huang (East China Normal University), Yongxin Zhao (National University of Singapore), Jianqi Shi (National University of Singapore), and Huibiao Zhu (East China Normal University)

15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break

16:00 - 16:30 Title: Generating C# Programs from CSP# Models

Speaker: Huiquan Zhu (National University of Singapore), Jin Song Dong (National University of Singapore), Bimlesh Wadhwa (National University of Singapore), and Shang-Wei Lin (National University of Singapore)