Foundations in Algorithms
School of Computing, National University of Singapore
CS5206 Course Web-Site (Fall Sememster 2011)

LEONG Hon Wai (梁汉槐)


  • 06-12-2011 --- End of Course and Goodbye
    I just sent out a final email from the IVLE course account. Checked your email.
    All the best to you in your future work and have fun learning and using algorithms.
    Contact me about algorithms or to share jokes.

  • General Information

    Course Information

  • Latest Announcements --- Always updated!

  • Course Summary

  • Lecture Schedule and Notes -- All lecture notes are online!

  • Homework Information -- HW5 is online! (DIY, No need to hand in)

  • Course Project
  • IVLE Page -- | CS5206-IVLE-Page | (Check here for Roster, Workbin & Discussion Forum)

  • CA Marks --- | (TCode is 5-digits of your Student-ID) |
    Please verify that your scores are correctly entered. [Last day: 28-Nov-2011]
    Mark Distribution for Mid-Term -- here

  • Teaching and Learning

  • Cattywampus? -- MUST Read!
  • Writing with Proper Style -- Elements of Style by Strunk and White
  • How to Present a Paper in Theoretical Computer Science, by Ian Parberry. (also in [ps])
  • How to be a Good Graduate Student in a US research-based university.
    Note: This article is based on a US PhD programme, which is slightly different from that in NUS. However, most of the points made in this article about motivation, attitude, research process are very similar. This article can provide a good starting reference point for beginning graduate students.

  • CS5206 Home Page (Fall 2010)
    A/P Leong's HomePage

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