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NUS Academic Calendar
(AY2022/23 Sem 2)
CS1231S CS2100
Research Interests
Data Structures
Computational Geometry
Full Address
School of Computing
National University of Singapore
13 Computing Drive
Singapore 117417
G.O. Tel: (65) 6516-2727
Fax: (65) 6779-4580
Tan Tuck Choy, Aaron
Associate Professor
School of Computing
I guess it is pretty cool and heartwarming at the same time, to receive a card such as this from a student two years after he had taken your module. (I hope it is not because I gave him the only A. :)) To the student whose name I have forgotten -- thank you!

I still have a lot to learn about teaching, among other things, from people around me, including my fellow colleagues (some of whom are my teachers), and even from my own students.

This article Best Teacher I Ever Had remains my favourite.

Tomorrow's ProfessorSM Listserv is a site where I obtain useful information on teaching and learning.

Teachers' Pledge

We, the teachers of Singapore, pledge that:
  • We will be true to our mission to bring out the best in our pupils.
  • We will be exemplary in our discharge of our duties and responsibilies.
  • We will guide our pupils to be good and useful citizens of Singapore.
  • We will continue to learn and pass on the love of learning to our pupils.
  • We will win the trust, support and co-operation of parents and the community so as to enable us to achieve our mission.

  • Associate Professor School of Computing [Jan 2019]
  • Senior Lecturer, School of Computing [July 2011 - 2018]
  • Assistant Dean, School of Computing [August 2014 - present]
  • Member, CS Curriculum Commitee [July 2014 - present]
  • SoC Academic Advisor, Coordinator [June 2000 - present]
Other appointments:
  • Member of GCE A-level Computing Examination Syllabus Review Committee [May 2016 - present]
  • Member of Teaching Track Selection Committee [July 2003 - present]
  • Committee Member of Computing Alumni Association [2012 to present]
Past appointments:
  • Chairman, National Olympiad in Informatics Committee [October 2004 - December 2014]
  • FTEC Committee Member [August 2011 - June 2013]
  • Committee Member of CISA Association [2002 - 2012]
  • Judge of National Software Competition (NSC) Individual Event.
    [2001 - 2011]
  • Vice-Chair, ACM ICPC Regional Contest in Singapore [2007]
  • Chair, Algo*Mania Challenge [2007]
  • Assistant Dean (Special Programmes), School of Computing [June 2002 - June 2006]
  • Member of IT Youth Award Evaluators' Committee [2004 - 2005]
  • Advisor to NUS Students' Computing Club [August 1998 - June 2006]
  • Honorary Secretary, National Olympiad in Informatics Committee [September 1997 - September 2004]
  • Director, NUS Multi-purpose Co-operative Society [July 2000 - July 2004]
  • FTEC Committee Member [July 2001 - July 2004]
  • Committee Member of Academic Issues Subcommittee for students with special needs [May 2003 - January 2004]
  • Chair, SoC Plagiarism Task Force [January 2003 - July 2003]
  • President of CISA Association [April 1994 - April 2002]
  • NUS CDTL Affiliate [July 1999 - 2002]
  • Member of SEARCC 2000 ISSC Scientific Committee [December 2000]
  • Member of MOE Computing Syllabus Review Committee [November 1997 - November 1998]
  • Advisor to NSC (Programming Section) Competition [April - July 2000]
  • Member of SEARCC'99 ISSC Scientific Committee [December 1999]
  • Member of MOE Computing Syllabus Review Committee [November 1997 - November 1998]
  • Trainer of Singapore International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) teams. [1992 - 1998]
    Team leader for IOI'92, IOI'93, IOI'94, and IOI'97.
  • Member of the NUS Science Foundation Module, DISCS sub-committee. [January 1996 - December 1997]
  • Councellor for the NUS Science Research Programme. [May - June 1995]
  • Technical Analysis on Stock Market (FYP). [Jul 2013 - Apr 2014], Tan Guo Wei.
  • Online Judge for Programming Practice and Competition (FYP). [Jul 2012 - Apr 2013], Wang Zhongliang.
  • Online Judge for Programming Practice and Competition (FYP). [Jul 2012 - Apr 2013], Balaji Preeti.
  • Auto-grader with progam analysis for Java programs (FYP). [Jan 2012 - Nov 2012], Tan Yong Tai.
  • Auto-grader with progam analysis for Java programs (FYP). [Jan 2012 - Nov 2012], Teng Wu Liang.
  • Self-Adjusting Data Structures in Retrieval (UROP). [May 2005 - April 2006], Shashin Jawahirlal Surti.
  • Music Composition using Algorithms based on Music Theories (UROP). [Nov 2003 - Oct 2004], Liu Ruizhe.
  • Program Analysis with Automated Generation of Inline Documentation (UROP). [Nov 2003 - Oct 2004], Sarabjit Singh.
  • An Integrated Database System for CISAA. [1998]
    Co-supervision with Dr Ang Chuan Heng.
    Team members: Stephanie Lim Li Yen, Emily Ng Foong Sen, Dan Yeo Tzy Cheng.
  • Introduction to Computer Science. [1996]
    Co-supervision with Dr Tay Yong Chiang.
    Team members: Lee Fui Li, Lee Lay Peng, Lee Sheau Poh.
  • NUS Teaching Excellence Honour Roll (2010).
  • NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award (2008/9).
  • NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award (2007/8).
  • SoC Teaching Excellence Honour Roll (2009).
  • SoC Teaching Excellence Award (2009).
  • SoC Teaching Excellence Award (2008).
  • Outstanding Mentor Award (2008), Science Mentorship Programmes
  • SoC Teaching Excellence Award (2007).
  • SoC Teaching Excellence Award (2006).
  • SoC Teaching Excellence Award (2005).
  • First Consecutive Winner of Students' Choice Award (2005/6).
  • Students' Choice Award (2004/5).
  • NUS Excellent Teacher (2003-2004).
  • SoC Teaching Excellence Award (2004).
  • SoC Teaching Excellence Award (2003)
  • NUS Excellent Teacher (2002-2003).
  • NUS Excellent Teacher (2001-2002).
  • SoC Teaching Excellence Award (2001).
  • SoC Teaching Excellence Award (1999).

This document, acad.html, has been accessed 480 times since 25-Jun-24 11:57:13 +08. This is the 10th time it has been accessed today.

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If you're interested, complete statistics for this document are also available, including breakdowns by top-level domain, host name, and date.