CS3233: Homework (Spring 2004)

Week 10: NOI-2004 Participation  13-March; 9:00am -- 1:00pm
  See details here

Week 9: PS8 from the "NOI-2003" (due: Fri 12-Mar  11:59AM)
  Problems 1-6 of NOI-2003; see NOI website and here
    Do all six problems (many of them are EASY). 
    Input files and expected output are also given there.
    Remember: NOI rules are different from ACM/SJ rules; no online submit
      Input/output through files (careful with filenames);
      Must produce Windows-executables (.exe) files;

  IMPT: Mail me a zip file that contains all your source files and .exe files
        for all the problems you have completed by the deadline.

  Marking Assignment: (Due: 10 March 2004 4:59pm)
  See details here and here
    zach: grade solutions from junb, zrui
    mran: grade solutions from step, juny
    step: grade solutions from mran, zrui
    jbin: grade solutions from mvin, zach
    zrui: grade solutions from step, juny
    mvin: grade solutions from junb, zach
    juny: grade solutions from mran, mvin

Week 8: PS7 from the "Spanish Robot Judge" (due: Fri 5-Mar  11:59pm)
  For this week, you should all
    * Work in the following "pairs":
        (zach,junb,mran);  (zrui,mvin);  (step,juny)
    * Schedule your own meetings to discuss approaches;
        meet for at least 1 to 1.5 hours;
    * DO NOT just divide problem into yours-and-mine 
        and then solve independently;

  For every pair: 10147, 10457, 10507
    (Solve using GRAPHS and use STL classes to implement)

      10457: Magic Car           [easy]    (none)
      10147: Highway             [easy]    (none)
      10507: Waking Up Brain     [easy]    (none)

Week 7: PS6 from the "Spanish Robot Judge" (due: Sat 28-Feb 11:59am)

       zach: 10004, 10067, 10595
         (also for mran, junb, mvin, juny)
       step:   200,   705, 10595
       zrui:   200, 10067, 10595

   (Note: If you did any of these last week, they will be counted too.)

        200: Rare Order          [easy]    (junb)
        705: Slash Maze          [easy]    (mvin)
      10004: BiColoring          [easy]    (step,zrui)
      10067: Playing with Wheels [medium]  (step) 
      10595: Knights on a Bee Board [hard] 
      ---------- not assigned, but can try ------------
      10000: Longest Path        [easy]    (step,juny)         

   Writeup on MindBend -- Due: Fri, 27-Feb, 4:59pm

Week 6: PS5 from the "Spanish Robot Judge" (due: Fri 20-Feb 04:59pm)

  For everyone: 10029, 10051, 10510

      10029: Edit Step Ladders   [medium]  (none)
      10051: Tower of Cubes      [easy]    (none)
      10510: Cactus              [hard]    (none)
      ---------- not assigned, but can try ------------
        200: Rare Order          [easy]    (junbin)
        705: Slash Maze          [easy]    (melvin)
      10067: Playing with Wheels [medium]  (step)   

  Written Homework (from lecture):  (due: Mon 23-Feb 04:59pm)
    Given a weighted, directed graph (can have cycles), 
    find a longest simple path (no repeated vertex) from
    a start vertex s to a destination vertex t. 
    Give a description of an efficient algorithm for solving
    this problem. Your writeup should give definitions, pseudo-code
    of the algorithm and some informal justification for its correctness.
  • Longest Path Song is playing now! Week 4: PS4 from the "Spanish Robot Judge" (due: Sat 07-Feb 11:59am) -------------------------------------------------------------------- zach: 108, 147, 10003 mengran: 108, 147, 10003 stephanus: 147, 10130, 10285 junbin: 147, 10003, 10130 zirui: 116, 10003, 10130 melvin: 116, 147, 10269 junyu: 147, 10130, 10285 108: Maximum Sum 116: Unidirectional TSP 136: Ugly Numbers 147: Dollars 10003: Cutting Sticks 10130: SuperSale 10269: Adventures of Super Mario 10285: Longest Run on a SnowBoard ---------- not assigned, but can try ------------ 348: Optimal Array Multiplication Sequence (free points) Week 3: PS3 from the "Spanish Robot Judge" (due: Sat 31-Jan 11:59am) -------------------------------------------------------------------- zach: 848, 10010, 10132, 10252 mengran: 848, 10010, 10132, 10252 stephanus: 848, 850, 10150, ***** junbin: 848, 10132, 10150, 10252 zirui: 848, 10010, 10132, 10252 melvin: 848, 10132, 10150, 10252 junyu: 848, 10010, 10132, 10252 848: Fmt 10010: Where's Waldorf? 10252: Common Permutation 10132: File Fragmentation 850: Crypt Kicker II 10150: Doublets ---------- not assigned, but can try ------------ 10082: WERTYU 10188: Automated Judge Script Week 2: PS2 from the "Spanish Robot Judge" (due: Sun 25-Jan 11:59pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------- zach: 289, 843, 10038, 10205 mengran: 289, 843, 10038, 10205 stephanus: 289, 843, 10205, 10258 junbin: 289, 843, 10038, 10205 zirui: 289, 843, 10038, 10205 melvin: 289, 843, 10205, 10258 junyu: 289, 843, 10038, 10205 289: A Very Nasty Text Formatter 843: Crypt Kicker 10038: Jolly Jumpers 10205: Stack 'em Up 10258: Contest Scoreboard ---------- not assigned, but can try ------------ 10044: Erdos Number 10050: Hartals 10149: Yahtzee 10315: Poker Hands Week 1: PS1 from the "Spanish Robot Judge" (due: Thu 11:59am) ------------------------------------------------------------- zach: 100, 706, 10137 mengran: 100, 706, 10137 stephanus: 10511, 10558, 10566 junbin: 10033, 10142, 10196 zirui: 706, 10137, 10142 melvin: 10142, 10196, 10267 junyu: 10033, 10142, 10196 100: The 3n+1 problem 706: LCD Display 10033: Interpreter 10137: The Trip 10142: Australian Voting 10196: Check the Check 10267: The Editor 10189: MineSweeper 10511: Councilling 10558: A Brief Gerrymeander 10566: Crossed Ladder -------------------------------------------------------------