Uses of Class

Packages that use FileObject
org.openide.actions There are a number of standard system actions available for use in the IDE. 
org.openide.compiler Different compiler implementations may be plugged into the IDE to build files from source. 
org.openide.cookies Cookies are a design pattern used to add behaviors to existing data object and nodes, or to separate implementation from the main object. 
org.openide.execution The IDE uses a small interface to describe the execution of Java-based classes together with arguments. 
org.openide.filesystems The IDE internally uses the concept of a virtual filesystem
org.openide.loaders DataSystems are the logical layer between a filesystem and the regular functions of the IDE. 
org.openide.text The IDE is able to integrate multiple editors for different content types and mechanically access their content. 
org.openide.util A set of utility classes covering a few general infrastructure points in the Open APIs. 

Uses of FileObject in org.openide.actions

Methods in org.openide.actions with parameters of type FileObject
static boolean CustomizeBeanAction.serializeJavaBean(Object bean, FileObject file)
          Serialize a bean to file.

Uses of FileObject in org.openide.compiler

Methods in org.openide.compiler that return FileObject
 FileObject CompilerEvent.getFile()
          Get the file this event pertains to.
protected  FileObject ExternalCompiler.getFileObject()
          Get the file object to be compiled

Constructors in org.openide.compiler with parameters of type FileObject
CompilerEvent(CompilerGroup source, FileObject file)
          Create an event.
ErrorEvent(CompilerGroup source, FileObject errorFile, int line, int column, String message, String ref)
          Create an error event.
ProgressEvent(CompilerGroup source, FileObject file)
          Create a progress event of unspecified type.
ProgressEvent(CompilerGroup source, FileObject file, int task)
          Create a progress event.
ExternalCompiler(FileObject fo, Object type, NbProcessDescriptor nbDescriptor, ExternalCompiler.ErrorExpression err)
          Create an external compiler.
ExternalCompiler(CompilerJob job, FileObject fo, Object type, NbProcessDescriptor nbDescriptor, ExternalCompiler.ErrorExpression err)
          Create an external compiler.
ExternalCompiler(Compiler[] dependencies, FileObject fo, Object type, NbProcessDescriptor nbDescriptor, ExternalCompiler.ErrorExpression err)
          Create an external compiler with dependencies.

Uses of FileObject in org.openide.cookies

Methods in org.openide.cookies that return FileObject
 FileObject InstanceCookie.Origin.instanceOrigin()
          Returns the origin of the instance.

Uses of FileObject in org.openide.execution

Methods in org.openide.execution that return FileObject
static FileObject NbfsURLConnection.decodeURL(URL u)
          Retrieves the file object specified by an internal URL.

Methods in org.openide.execution with parameters of type FileObject
abstract  boolean ScriptType.acceptFileObject(FileObject fo)
          The script type can decide whether it will be able to execute the given file object.
static File NbClassPath.toFile(FileObject fo)
          Deprecated. You probably should use FileUtil.toFile(org.openide.filesystems.FileObject) instead.
static URL NbfsURLConnection.encodeFileObject(FileObject fo)
          Provides a URL to access a file object.

Uses of FileObject in org.openide.filesystems

Methods in org.openide.filesystems that return FileObject
abstract  FileObject FileSystem.getRoot()
          Getter for root folder in the filesystem.
 FileObject FileSystem.find(String aPackage, String name, String ext)
          Finds file in the filesystem by name.
abstract  FileObject FileSystem.findResource(String name)
          Finds file when its resource name is given.
 FileObject AbstractFileSystem.getRoot()
 FileObject AbstractFileSystem.find(String aPackage, String name, String ext)
 FileObject AbstractFileSystem.findResource(String name)
protected  FileObject AbstractFileSystem.refreshRoot()
          Instruct the filesystem that the root should change.
 FileObject Repository.find(String aPackage, String name, String ext)
          Finds file when its name is provided.
 FileObject Repository.findResource(String name)
          Searches for the given resource among all file systems.
 FileObject FileEvent.getFile()
 FileObject FileSystemCapability.findResource(String resName)
          Find a resource in repository, ignoring not capable file systems.
 FileObject FileSystemCapability.find(String aPackage, String name, String ext)
          Finds file when its name is provided.
 FileObject MultiFileSystem.getRoot()
          Root of the file system.
 FileObject MultiFileSystem.find(String aPackage, String name, String ext)
 FileObject MultiFileSystem.findResource(String name)
protected  FileObject MultiFileSystem.findResourceOn(FileSystem fs, String res)
          Finds a resource on given file system.
 FileObject FileObject.copy(FileObject target, String name, String ext)
          Copies this file.
 FileObject FileObject.move(FileLock lock, FileObject target, String name, String ext)
          Moves this file.
abstract  FileObject FileObject.getParent()
          Get parent folder.
abstract  FileObject[] FileObject.getChildren()
          Get all children of this folder (files and subfolders).
abstract  FileObject FileObject.getFileObject(String name, String ext)
          Retrieve file or folder contained in this folder by name.
 FileObject FileObject.getFileObject(String name)
          Retrieve file or folder contained in this folder by name (no extension).
abstract  FileObject FileObject.createFolder(String name)
          Create a new folder below this one with the specified name.
abstract  FileObject FileObject.createData(String name, String ext)
          Create new data file in this folder with the specified name.
 FileObject FileObject.createData(String name)
          Create new data file in this folder with the specified name.
static FileObject FileUtil.copyFile(FileObject source, FileObject destFolder, String newName, String newExt)
          Copies file to the selected folder.
static FileObject FileUtil.copyFile(FileObject source, FileObject destFolder, String newName)
          Copies file to the selected folder.
static FileObject FileUtil.moveFile(FileObject source, FileObject destFolder, String newName)
          Moves file to the selected folder.
static FileObject FileUtil.createFolder(FileObject folder, String name)
          Creates a folder on given file system.
static FileObject FileUtil.createData(FileObject folder, String name)
          Creates a data file on given file system.
static FileObject[] FileUtil.fromFile(File file)
          Finds appropriate FileObjects to if possible.
static FileObject FileUtil.findBrother(FileObject fo, String ext)
          Finds brother file with same base name but different extension.

Methods in org.openide.filesystems with parameters of type FileObject
protected  Reference AbstractFileSystem.createReference(FileObject fo)
          Creates Reference.
protected  Enumeration AbstractFileSystem.existingFileObjects(FileObject fo)
          For the FileObject specified as parameter, returns the recursive enumeration of existing children fileobjects (both folders and data).
protected  FileSystem MultiFileSystem.findSystem(FileObject fo)
          For given file object finds the file system that the object is placed on.
protected static Enumeration MultiFileSystem.hiddenFiles(FileObject folder, boolean rec)
          Finds all hidden files on given file system.
protected  void MultiFileSystem.notifyMigration(FileObject fo)
          Notification that a file has migrated from one file system to another.
protected  void MultiFileSystem.markUnimportant(FileObject fo)
          Notification that a file has been marked unimportant.
abstract  String MIMEResolver.findMIMEType(FileObject fo)
          Resolves FileObject and returns recognized MIME type
protected  Reference XMLFileSystem.createReference(FileObject fo)
protected  Reference JarFileSystem.createReference(FileObject fo)
 FileObject FileObject.copy(FileObject target, String name, String ext)
          Copies this file.
 FileObject FileObject.move(FileLock lock, FileObject target, String name, String ext)
          Moves this file.
 boolean FileStatusEvent.hasChanged(FileObject file)
          Check whether the given file has been changed.
static FileObject FileUtil.copyFile(FileObject source, FileObject destFolder, String newName, String newExt)
          Copies file to the selected folder.
static FileObject FileUtil.copyFile(FileObject source, FileObject destFolder, String newName)
          Copies file to the selected folder.
static FileObject FileUtil.moveFile(FileObject source, FileObject destFolder, String newName)
          Moves file to the selected folder.
static FileObject FileUtil.createFolder(FileObject folder, String name)
          Creates a folder on given file system.
static FileObject FileUtil.createData(FileObject folder, String name)
          Creates a data file on given file system.
static File FileUtil.toFile(FileObject fo)
          Finds appropriate to FileObject if possible.
static void FileUtil.copyAttributes(FileObject source, FileObject dest)
          Copies attributes from one file to another.
static void FileUtil.extractJar(FileObject fo, InputStream is)
          Deprecated. Use of XML filesystem layers generally obsoletes this method.
static String FileUtil.findFreeFileName(FileObject folder, String name, String ext)
          Finds an unused file name similar to that requested in the same folder.
static String FileUtil.findFreeFolderName(FileObject folder, String name)
          Finds an unused folder name similar to that requested in the same parent folder.
static FileObject FileUtil.findBrother(FileObject fo, String ext)
          Finds brother file with same base name but different extension.
static String FileUtil.getMIMEType(FileObject fo)
          Resolves MIME type.

Constructors in org.openide.filesystems with parameters of type FileObject
FileEvent(FileObject src)
          Creates new FileEvent.
FileEvent(FileObject src, FileObject file)
          Creates new FileEvent, specifying the action object.
FileEvent(FileObject src, FileObject file, boolean expected)
          Creates new FileEvent, specifying the action object.
FileRenameEvent(FileObject src, String name, String ext)
          Creates new FileRenameEvent.
FileRenameEvent(FileObject src, FileObject file, String name, String ext)
          Creates new FileRenameEvent, specifying an event location.
FileRenameEvent(FileObject src, FileObject file, String name, String ext, boolean expected)
          Creates new FileRenameEvent, specifying an event location and whether the event was expected by the system.
FileAttributeEvent(FileObject src, String name, Object oldValue, Object newValue)
          Creates new FileAttributeEvent.
FileAttributeEvent(FileObject src, FileObject file, String name, Object oldValue, Object newValue)
          Creates new FileAttributeEvent.
FileAttributeEvent(FileObject src, FileObject file, String name, Object oldValue, Object newValue, boolean expected)
          Creates new FileAttributeEvent.
FileStatusEvent(FileSystem fs, FileObject file, boolean icon, boolean name)
          Creates new FileStatusEvent

Uses of FileObject in org.openide.loaders

Methods in org.openide.loaders that return FileObject
 FileObject InstanceSupport.instanceOrigin()
          Returns the origin of the instance.
protected abstract  FileObject MultiFileLoader.findPrimaryFile(FileObject fo)
          For a given file finds the primary file.
protected  FileObject UniFileLoader.findPrimaryFile(FileObject fo)
          Get the primary file.
 FileObject DataObject.getPrimaryFile()
          Get the primary file for this data object.
protected abstract  FileObject DataObject.handleRename(String name)
          Rename this object (implemented in subclasses).
protected abstract  FileObject DataObject.handleMove(DataFolder df)
          Move this object to another folder (implemented in subclasses).
protected  FileObject MultiDataObject.handleRename(String name)
protected  FileObject MultiDataObject.handleMove(DataFolder df)
          Moves primary and secondary files to a new folder.
 FileObject MultiDataObject.Entry.getFile()
          Get the file this entry works with.
abstract  FileObject MultiDataObject.Entry.copy(FileObject f, String suffix)
          Called when the entry is to be copied.
abstract  FileObject MultiDataObject.Entry.rename(String name)
          Called when the entry is to be renamed.
abstract  FileObject MultiDataObject.Entry.move(FileObject f, String suffix)
          Called when the entry is to be moved.
abstract  FileObject MultiDataObject.Entry.createFromTemplate(FileObject f, String name)
          Called when the entry is to be created from a template.
 FileObject FileEntry.copy(FileObject f, String suffix)
 FileObject FileEntry.rename(String name)
 FileObject FileEntry.move(FileObject f, String suffix)
 FileObject FileEntry.createFromTemplate(FileObject f, String name)
 FileObject FileEntry.Format.createFromTemplate(FileObject f, String name)
 FileObject FileEntry.Numb.copy(FileObject f, String suffix)
          Does nothing.
 FileObject FileEntry.Numb.rename(String name)
          Removes file.
 FileObject FileEntry.Numb.move(FileObject f, String suffix)
          Removes file.
 FileObject FileEntry.Numb.createFromTemplate(FileObject f, String name)
          Does nothing.
 FileObject FileEntry.Folder.copy(FileObject f, String suffix)
          Creates new folder and copies attributes.
 FileObject FileEntry.Folder.move(FileObject f, String suffix)
          Nearly the same like (FileObject f, String suffix).
 FileObject FileEntry.Folder.createFromTemplate(FileObject f, String name)
          Creates new folder and copies attributes, the template flag is cleared.
 FileObject FileEntry.Folder.rename(String name)
          Renames folder.
 FileObject OperationEvent.Move.getOriginalPrimaryFile()
          Get the original primary file.
protected  FileObject DataFolder.handleRename(String name)
protected  FileObject DataFolder.handleMove(DataFolder df)
protected  FileObject InstanceDataObject.handleRename(String name)
 FileObject DataObjectNotFoundException.getFileObject()
          Get the file which does not have a data object.

Methods in org.openide.loaders with parameters of type FileObject
 DataObject DataLoader.findDataObject(FileObject fo, DataLoader.RecognizedFiles recognized)
          Find a data object appropriate to the given file object--the meat of this class.
protected abstract  DataObject DataLoader.handleFindDataObject(FileObject fo, DataLoader.RecognizedFiles recognized)
          Find a data object appropriate to the given file object (as implemented in subclasses).
 void DataLoader.markFile(FileObject fo)
          Utility method to mark a file as belonging to this loader.
protected  DataObject MultiFileLoader.handleFindDataObject(FileObject fo, DataLoader.RecognizedFiles recognized)
protected abstract  FileObject MultiFileLoader.findPrimaryFile(FileObject fo)
          For a given file finds the primary file.
protected abstract  MultiDataObject MultiFileLoader.createMultiObject(FileObject primaryFile)
          Creates the right data object for a given primary file.
protected abstract  MultiDataObject.Entry MultiFileLoader.createPrimaryEntry(MultiDataObject obj, FileObject primaryFile)
          Creates the right primary entry for a given primary file.
protected abstract  MultiDataObject.Entry MultiFileLoader.createSecondaryEntry(MultiDataObject obj, FileObject secondaryFile)
          Creates a new secondary entry for a given file.
protected  FileObject UniFileLoader.findPrimaryFile(FileObject fo)
          Get the primary file.
protected abstract  MultiDataObject UniFileLoader.createMultiObject(FileObject primaryFile)
protected  MultiDataObject.Entry UniFileLoader.createPrimaryEntry(MultiDataObject obj, FileObject primaryFile)
protected  MultiDataObject.Entry UniFileLoader.createSecondaryEntry(MultiDataObject obj, FileObject secondaryFile)
          Do not create a seconday entry.
static DataObject DataObject.find(FileObject fo)
          Finds the data object for a specified file object.
protected  MultiDataObject.Entry MultiDataObject.registerEntry(FileObject fo)
          Tests whether this file is between entries and if not, creates a secondary entry for it and adds it into set of secondary entries.
 MultiDataObject.Entry MultiDataObject.findSecondaryEntry(FileObject fo)
          For a given file, find the associated secondary entry.
abstract  FileObject MultiDataObject.Entry.copy(FileObject f, String suffix)
          Called when the entry is to be copied.
abstract  FileObject MultiDataObject.Entry.move(FileObject f, String suffix)
          Called when the entry is to be moved.
abstract  FileObject MultiDataObject.Entry.createFromTemplate(FileObject f, String name)
          Called when the entry is to be created from a template.
 FileObject FileEntry.copy(FileObject f, String suffix)
 FileObject FileEntry.move(FileObject f, String suffix)
 FileObject FileEntry.createFromTemplate(FileObject f, String name)
 FileObject FileEntry.Format.createFromTemplate(FileObject f, String name)
protected abstract  Format FileEntry.Format.createFormat(FileObject target, String n, String e)
          Provide a suitable format for substitution of lines.
 FileObject FileEntry.Numb.copy(FileObject f, String suffix)
          Does nothing.
 FileObject FileEntry.Numb.move(FileObject f, String suffix)
          Removes file.
 FileObject FileEntry.Numb.createFromTemplate(FileObject f, String name)
          Does nothing.
 FileObject FileEntry.Folder.copy(FileObject f, String suffix)
          Creates new folder and copies attributes.
 FileObject FileEntry.Folder.move(FileObject f, String suffix)
          Nearly the same like (FileObject f, String suffix).
 FileObject FileEntry.Folder.createFromTemplate(FileObject f, String name)
          Creates new folder and copies attributes, the template flag is cleared.
 void DataLoader.RecognizedFiles.markRecognized(FileObject fo)
          Mark this file as being recognized.
static DataFolder DataFolder.findFolder(FileObject fo)
          Create a folder for a specified file object.
static DataObject.Container DataFolder.findContainer(FileObject fo)
          Finds a DataObject.Container representing given folder.
protected static DataObject DataShadow.deserialize(FileObject fileObject)
          Loads proper dataShadow from the file fileObject.
 DataObject DataLoaderPool.findDataObject(FileObject fo)
          Find a data object for this file object (not for normal users of the APIs).
 DataObject DataLoaderPool.findDataObject(FileObject fo, DataLoader.RecognizedFiles r)
          Find a data object for this file object, considering already-recognized files (not for normal users of the APIs).
static void DataLoaderPool.setPreferredLoader(FileObject fo, DataLoader loader)
          Utility method to mark a file as belonging to a loader.
static DataLoader DataLoaderPool.getPreferredLoader(FileObject fo)
          Get the preferred loader for a file.
 boolean ExtensionList.isRegistered(FileObject fo)
          Tests whether the file object is acceptable.

Constructors in org.openide.loaders with parameters of type FileObject
DataObject(FileObject pf, DataLoader loader)
          Create new data object.
MultiDataObject(FileObject fo, MultiFileLoader loader)
          Create a handler.
MultiDataObject.Entry(FileObject file)
FileEntry(MultiDataObject obj, FileObject fo)
          Creates new file entry initially attached to a given file object.
FileEntry.Format(MultiDataObject obj, FileObject fo)
          Create a new entry initially attached to a given file object.
FileEntry.Numb(MultiDataObject obj, FileObject fo)
          Create a dummy entry.
FileEntry.Folder(MultiDataObject obj, FileObject fo)
          Creates new FolderEntry
DataFolder(FileObject fo)
          Create a data folder from a folder file object.
DataFolder(FileObject fo, MultiFileLoader loader)
          Create a data folder from a folder file object.
DataFolder(FileObject fo, DataLoader loader)
          Deprecated. Since 1.13 do not use this constructor, it is for backward compatibility only.
DataShadow(FileObject fo, DataObject original, MultiFileLoader loader)
          Constructs new data shadow for given primary file and referenced original.
DataShadow(FileObject fo, DataObject original, DataLoader loader)
          Deprecated. Since 1.13 do not use this constructor, it is for backward compatibility only
InstanceDataObject(FileObject pf, MultiFileLoader loader)
          Create a new instance.
XMLDataObject(FileObject fo, MultiFileLoader loader)
          Create new XMLDataObject.
DataObjectNotFoundException(FileObject obj)
          Create a new exception.

Uses of FileObject in org.openide.text

Methods in org.openide.text that return FileObject
protected abstract  FileObject DataEditorSupport.Env.getFile()
          Getter for file associated with this environment.

Uses of FileObject in org.openide.util

Methods in org.openide.util with parameters of type FileObject
static URL HttpServer.getRepositoryURL(FileObject fo)
          Map a file object to a URL.
 URL HttpServer.Impl.getRepositoryURL(FileObject fo)
          Get the URL for a file object.

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.