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 Term Tests

AY2024/25 Semester 2
Continual Assessment - Labs


Labs form the practical element of CS2100. You are reminded that all submissions must be from your own effort. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and offenders will be dealt with. (Refer to Plagiariam website.)

You are to complete your lab assignment and submit it by hand to your tutor by the end of each lab session, unless otherwise stated.

Late submission will not be accepted, unless prior permission has been granted.

Week Lab# Title Programs
3 0 Set up
4 1 Debugging using GDB lab1.c
5 2 Debugging using GDB II lab2a.c | lab2b.c | lab2c.c
For QTSpim labs: Appendix A: SPIM Simulator (for reading)
6 3 Exploring QtSpim sample1.asm | sample2.asm | sample3.asm |
7 4 Writing MIPS code using QtSpim messages.asm | arrayCount.asm
8 5
9 6
10 7
11 8
12 9

Last updated: 17 February 2025