Systems Support for
Continuous Media



Research Project
Paper Reviews
Survey Paper


This page has been updated to show the latest information about your final project. The old project page can be found here.

Poster Presentation

Date: 13th November
Place: TR9 and SR4, SOC1, Level 6
Time: 1 - 3pm and 3 - 5pm


The poster session will be jointly organized with other classes. The poster presentation will be divided into two sessions. Each session will last for two hours. All team members are expected to show up and be there during the two hours. You should treat this as your final exam. The session assignment can be found under Project List.

What you need to prepare

  • Posters - Your should prepare 8 A4 size print out that highlight your project to the audience. Your poster should (a) attract attention from audience; (b) provide an overview of your work; (c) highlight the novelty /contribution of your project. SIMPLY POSTING TEXT FROM YOUR PAPER WILL NOT MAKE AN EFFECTIVE POSTER PRESENTATION. (Note: after your presentation, submit your poster to ooiwt via email together with your research paper by 15 Nov 2003 for grading.)
  • Draft paper - You should prepare draft copies of your paper for distribution to the audience. (About 3 copies should be more than enough.)
  • Demo - If you do an implementation-based project, you should show a demo. If you require additional hardware or technical support, please let us know. The rooms have 12 SPNP points each, and wireless LAN is available. You may want to make sure your demo works on SPNP/wireless LAN.
  • Short presentation - Please be prepare to give a 10 minutes presentation to the evaluator (i.e., ooiwt) and other audience about your project.
  • Q&A session - The evaluator may ask any of the team member questions regarding the project.

Useful Links


I am aware that many of you are part-time students and have to work during the day. Please try to ask your company for exam leave to attend the session. (Your company should have indicated that it will "grant the applicant the necessary time off for attending classes and to take such examinations as required by the University" in your admission application form).

Research Paper

You are expected to submit a research paper describing your project by 15th of November. Please send your paper in word or pdf format using email to ooiwt with the number "5248" somewhere in the subject. Your poster (in powerpoint/pdf format) should be submitted as well. Please zip them up if the files are too big.


Please follow the ACM proceeding style guidelines. Please use the given LaTeX (recommended) or Word template so that to ensure that there are little variations in margin and font size.

Length and Content

Your paper should be 4 - 6 pages in length. Please read the following links on how to write good systems paper. In particular, you should clearly highlight your contributions in this project.


Your project will be evaluated using the following criteria.

  • (5%) Project Proposal
  • (20%) Poster Presentation -- clarity/organization of posters, oral presentations, ability to answer questions during Q&A etc.
  • (20%) Research Paper -- clarity of writings, organization, adequacy of references etc. (Note that the content of the paper belongs to the next two categories)
  • (35%) Research Methodology -- are the solutions correct? complete? what are the issues considered? how are the results verified? etc.
  • (15%) Research Contribution -- novelty and impact of the solution.

Project List

Please see the Technical Program

Plagiarism Warning (!)

I practice zero-tolerance against plagiarism. If you are not familiar with what is considered plagiarism, please read the warning posted on the NUS Registrar web site or ask me.


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