Multimedia Medical Conceptual Web for Intelligent Information Access
>>> F. Ding, W. K. Leow, S. Venkatesh. Segmentation of Soft Organs by Flipping-Free Mesh Deformation. In Proc. IEEE Workshop on Applications of Compuer Vision, 7-8 Dec 2009.
>>> J.-R. Dalle, C.-H. Huang, W. K. Leow, D. Racoceanu, T. C. Putti. Nuclear Pleomorphism Scoring by Selective Cell Nuclei Detection. In Proc. IEEE Workshop on Applications of Compuer Vision, 7-8 Dec 2009.
>>> F. Ding, H. Li, Y. Chen, W. K. Leow. Medical Volume Image Summarization. In Proc. IEEE Workshop on Applications of Compuer Vision, 7-8 Dec 2009.
>>> F. Ding, W. K. Leow, J. Zhou, S. Venkatesh. 3D Volume Image Segmentation by Flipping-Free Mesh Deformation
with Application to Liver Segmentation. In Radiological Society of North America, 29 Nov-4 Dec 2009.
>>> F. Ding, W. K. Leow, S. Venkatesh. Removal of Abdominal Wall for 3D Visualization and Segmentation of Organs in CT Volume. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Processing, 7-11Nov 2009.
>>> L. Roux, A. Tutac, A. Veillard, N. Lomenie, D. Racoceanu, W. K. Leow, J. Klossa, T. Putti. A Cognitive Virtual Microscopic Framework for Knowledge-Based Exploration of Large Microscopic Images in Breast Cancer Histopathology. In Proc. Int. Conf. of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2-6 Sep 2009.
>>> H. Li, W. K. Leow, C.-H. Huang, and T. S. Howe. Modeling and Measurement of 3D Deformations
of Scoliotic Spine Using 2D X-ray Images. In Proc. Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, pages 647-654, 2-4 Sep 2009.
>>> C.-H. Huang, W. K. Leow, D. Racoceanu. The Cellular Neural Network as a Principal Component Analyzer. In Proc. Int. Joint Conf. Neural Networks, 14-19 June 2009.
>>> A. E. Tutaca, D. Racoceanu, W. K. Leow, H. Müller, T. Putti, V. Cretu. Toward Translational Incremental Similarity-Based Reasoning in Breast Cancer Grading. In Proc. SPIE, 2009.
>>> A. E. Tutac, D. Racoceanu, W. K. Leow, J.-R. Dalle, T. Putti, W. Xiong, V. Cretu. Translational Approach for Semi-Automatic Breast Cancer Grading Using a Knowledge-Guided Semantic Indexing of Histopathology Images In Proc. Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Workshop, 6-10 Sep 2008.
>>> J.-R. Dalle, W. K. Leow, D. Racoceanu, A. E. Tutac, T. C. Putti. Automatic Breast Cancer Grading of Histopathological Images. In Proc. Int. Conf. of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 20-24 Aug 2008.
>>> R. O. Teodorescu, C. Cernazanu-Glavan, V. I. Cretu, and D. Racoceanu. The use of the medical ontology for a semantic-based fusion system in biomedical informatics. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Inteligent Computer Comunication and Processing, vol. 1, pages 265-268, August 2008.
>>> R. O. Teodorescu, V. I. Cretu, and D. Racoceanu. The use of medical ontology in a semantic-based fusion system. In Proc. The 8th Int. Conf. on Technical Informatics, vol. 1, pages 48-52, June 2008.
>>> A. E. Tutac, D. Racoceanu, T. Putti, W. Xiong, W. K. Leow, and V. Cretu. Knowledge-Guided Semantic Indexing of Breast Cancer Histopathology Images. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI), 27-30 May 2008.
>>> R. Teodorescu, D. Racoceanu, W. K. Leow and V. Cretu. Prospective Study for Semantic Inter-Media Fusion in Content-Based medical Image Retrieval, Medical Imaging Technology, Vol. 26, No. 1, January 2008, pages 48-58.

Last update: 30 Sep 2009