Ling, T W, F W Tompa and T Kameda, An improved third normal form for
relational databases. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 6, no.2
(June 1981): 329-346. (United States).
Ling, T W, An analysis of multi-valued and join dependencies based on
the entity-relationship approach. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 1,
no.3 (1985): 253-271. (United States).
Ling, T W, Integrity constraint checking in deductive databases using
the prolog not predicate. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 2 (1987):
145-168. (United States).
Ling, T W, The prolog not-predicate and negation as failure rule. New
Generation Computing, 8, no.1 (1990): 5-31.
Ling, T W and P K Teo,
On rules and integrity constraint in database systems.
Information and Software Technology, 34, no. 3 (March 1992):
147-158. (United Kingdom).
Ling, T W and P K Teo,
Toward resolving inadequacies in object-oriented data models.
Information and Software Technology, 35, no.5 (May 1993): 267-276.
Grant, J, T W Ling and J M L Lee, ERL: Logic for entity relationship
databases. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems : Integrating
Artificial Intelligence and Database Technologies, 2 (1993): 115-147.
(United States).
Ling, T W and L L Yan,
NF-NR: A practical norm form for nested relations.
Journal of Systems Integration, 4 (1994): 309-340. (United
Tan, H B K and T W Ling, Recovery of object-oriented design from
existing data-intensive business programs. Information and Software
Technology, 37, no.2 (February 1995): 67-77. (United Kingdom).
Ling, T W and J M L Lee, Relational to entity-relationship schema
translation using semantic and inclusion dependencies. Journal of
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 2, no.2 (1995): 125-145.
(Special Issue on Multidatabase and Interoperable Systems). (United
Tan, H B K and T W Ling, Components reuse for data-intensive business
programs through an object-oriented architecture. Journal of Systems
and Software, 34, no.1 (1996): 3-20. (United States).
Jarzabek, S and T W Ling, Model-based Support for Business
Re-engineering. Information and Software Technology, 38, no.5 (1996):
355-374. (The Netherlands).
Ling, T W, C H Goh and J M L Lee, Extending classical functional
dependencies for physical database design. Information and Software
Technology, 38 (1996): 601-608. (United Kingdom).
Ling, T W and J M L Lee, View update in entity-relationship approach.
Data & Knowledge Engineering, 19 (1996): 135-169. (United States).
Tan, H B K and T W Ling, A method for the recovery of inclusion
dependencies from data-intensive business programs. Information and
Software Technology, 39, no.1 (January 1997): 27-34.
Tan, Hee Beng Kuan and T W Ling, Integrated Design Patterns for
Database Applications, to appear in Journal of Systems and Software.
Ling, T W, A normal form for entity-relationship diagrams. In
Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Entity-Relationship
Approach, pp. 24-35. IEEE Computer Society Press USA and North
Holland Publishing, 1985. (Paper presented at 4th International
Conference on Entity-Relationship Approach, 28-30 October 1985,
Chicago, United States).
Ling, T W, A three level schema architecture ER-based data base
management system. In Proceeding of the 6th International Conference
on Entity-Relationship Approach, pp. 181-196. United States: IEEE
Computer Society Press and North Holland Publishing, 1987. (Paper
presented at 6th International Conference on Entity-Relationship
Approach, 9-11 November 1987, New York City, United States).
Ling, T W, External schemas of entity-relationship based data base
managment systems. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference
on Entity-Relationship Approach, pp. 351-364. IEEE Computer Society
Press and North Holland Publishing, 1988. (Paper presented at 7th
International Conference on Entity-Relationship Approach, 16-18
November 1988, Rome, Italy).
Ling, T W, A normal form for sets of not-necessarily normalized
relations. In Proceedings of the 22nd Hawaii International Conference
on System Sciences, pp. 578-586. United States: IEEE Computer Society
Press, 1989. (Paper presented at 22nd Hawaii International Conference
on System Sciences, 3-6 January 1989, kailua-Kona, Hawaii, United
Grant, J and T W Ling, Database representation and manipulation using
entity-relationship database logic. In Methodologies for Intelligent
Systems, 4, edited by Z W Ras, pp. 102-109. North Holland, 1989.
(Paper presented at 4th International Symposium on Methodologies for
Intelligent Systems, 12-14 October 1989).
Embley, D and T W Ling, Synergistic database design using an extended
entity-relationship model. In Proceedings of the 8th International
Conference on Entity-Relationship Approach, pp. 118-135. IEEE
Computer Society Press, 1989. (Paper presented at 8th International
Conference on Entity-Relationship Approach, 18-20 October 1989,
Toronto, Canada).
Ling, T W and J M L Lee, A prolog implementation of an
entity-relationship based database management system. In Proceedings
of the 10th International Conference on Entity Relationship Approach,
edited by Toby J Teorey, pp. 587-605. San Mateo, California: ER
Institute, 1991. (Paper presented at 10th International Conference on
Entity Relationship Approach, 23-25 October 1991, San Mateo,
California, United States).
Ling, T W and C H Goh, Logical database design with inclusion
dependencies. In Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on
Data Engineering, 2-3 February 1992, Tempe, Arizona, United States,
pp. 642-649. United States: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1992.
Ling, T W and J M L Lee, A theory for entity-relationship view
updates. In Entity-Relational Approach - ER'92, edited by G Pernul
and AM Tjoa, pp. 262-279. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No 645,
edited by Goos G and Hartmanis J. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag,
1992. (Paper presented at 11th International Conference on
Entity-Relationship Approach, 7 October 1992, Karlsrulie, Germany).
Goh, C H and T W Ling, Extending the entity-relationship formalism for
conceptual data modeling to capture more semantics. In Proceedings of
the First International Conference on Information and Knowledge
Management, 8-11 November 1992, pp. 629-636, 1992.
Yan, L L and T W Ling, Translating relational schema with constraints
into OODB schema. In IFIP DS-5 Semantics of Interoperable Database
Systems, edited by D Hsiao, E J Neuhold, and R Sack-Davis, pp. 65-81.
Australia, November 1992. (Paper presented at DS-5 Semantics of
Interoperable Database Systems, 16-20 November 1992, Lorne, Victoria,
Ling, T W, P K Teo and L L Yan, Generating object-oriented views from
an ER-based conceptual schema. In The 3rd International Symposium on
Database Systems for Advanced Application, 6-8 April 1993, Riviera
Hotel, Taejon, South Korea, pp. 148-155. Singapore: World Scientific,
Ling, T W and S Y Lee, Improving integrity checking for there-exists
In Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Database
Systems for Advanced Applications, 6-8 April 1993, Taejon, South
Ling, T W and P K Teo, Inheritance conflicts in object-oriented
systems. In Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Database
and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA'93, 6-8 September 1993, Prague,
Czechoslovakia, edited by Vladimir Marik, Jiri Lazansky and Roland R
Wagner, pp. 189-200. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, September 1993.
Lee, S Y and T W Ling, Improving integrity constraint checking for
stratified deductive databases. In Database and Expert Systems
Application (as Lecture Notes in Computer Science - 856), edited by D
Karagiannis, pp. 591-600. Germany: Springer-Verlag, September 1994.
(Paper presented at The 5th International Conference on Database and
Expert Systems Applications, 7-9 September 1994, Greece).
Ling, T W and J M L Lee, Semantic dependencies in database modelling
and database reverse engineering. In Proceedings of the International
Symposium on Advanced Database Technologies and their Integration,
26-28 October 1994, Japan, edited by Shunsuke Uemura and Masatoshi
Yoshikawa, pp. 47-54. Japan: Nara Institute of Science & Technology,
26 November 1994.
Ling, T W, PK Teo, and LL Yan
Generating Object-Oriented Views from an ER-Based Conceptual Schema.
DASFAA 1993: 148-155
Ling, T W and PK Teo,
A normal form object-oriented entity
relationship diagram.
In Entity-Relationship Approach - ER'94, edited
by P Loucopoulos, pp. 241-258. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
no.881. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, December 1994. (Paper presented at
13th International Conference on Entity-Relationship Approach, 13-16
December 1994, Manchester Conference Centre, Manchester, United
Ling, T W and PK Teo,
Object migration in ISA hierarchies. In Database
Systems for Advanced Applications '95, 10-13 April 1995, Singapore,
edited by TW Ling and Y Masunaga, pp. 292-299. Singapore: World
Scientific, 1995.
Lee, J M L and T W Ling, Resolving structural conflicts in the
integration of entity-relationship schemas. In Proceedings of 14th
International Conference on Object-Oriented and Entity-relationship
Modeling, 13-15 December 1995, Australia, edited by MP Papazoglou,
pp. 424-433. Germany: Springer-Verlag, 1995.
Lee, S Y and T W Ling, Further improvement on integrity constraint
checking for stratifiable deductive databases. In Proceedings of the
22nd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 3-6 September
1996, Bombay, India, pp. 495-505. Bombay, September 1996.
Lee, S Y and T W Ling, Refined termination decision in active
databases. In Proceedings of Database and Expert Systems
Applications, edited by Abdelkader Hameurlain and A Min Tjoa, pp.
182-191. Lecturer Notes in Computer Science, vol 1308. Germany:
Springer-Verlag, September 1997.
Lee, M L and T W Ling, Resolving constraint conflicts in the
integration of entity-relationship schemas. In Proceedings of
Conceptual Modeling - ER'97, edited by David E. Embley and Robert C.
Goldstein, pp. 394-407.
Lee, S Y and T W Ling, A path removing technique for detecting trigger
termination. In Proceedings of Extended Database Technolog (EDBT)'98,
23-27 March 1998, Spain, pp. 341-355. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, March
Ang, C.H., T W Ling and X M Zhou, Qualitative Spatial relationships
representation IO8T. In 9th International Conference, DEXA'98, edited
by Gerald Quirchmayr, Erich Schweighofer, Trevor J.M. Bench-Capon,
pp. 270-279.
Ling, T W, B T Wee and S Y Lee, DO2 : Deductive Object-Oriented
Database System. In Database and Expert Systems Applications, edited
by G. Quirchmayr, E. Schweighofer, T.J.M. Bench-Capon, pp. 50-59.
Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1998.
Lee, S Y and T W Ling, Are your trigger rules correct ? In Ninth
International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications,
edited by Roland R. Wagner, A Min Tjoa, pp. 837-842. Vienna: IEEE
Computer Society, 1998.
Ling, T W and Y Liu, An Efficient View Maintenance Algorithm for Data
Warehousing. In Advances in Database Technologies, edited by Y.
Kambayashi, E.P. Lim, D.L. Lee, Y. Masunaga, M. Mohania, pp. 165-176.
Berlin: Springer-Verlag, February 1999.
Ling, T W and E K Sze,
Materialized View Maintenance Using Version
Numbers. 6th International Conference on Database Systems for
Advanced Applications (DASFAA'99), 19-22 April 1999, Hsinchu,
Taiwan), IEEE Computer Society Press, April 1999, pp. 263-270.
Ling, T W and E K Sze,
A Model for Evaluating Materialized View Maintenance Algorithms.
WISE 2000: 374-383
E K Sze and T W Ling
Efficient View Maintenance Using Version Numbers.
DEXA 2001: 527-536.
Shi Guang Qiu and Tok Wang Ling
View Selection in OLAP Environment
DEXA 2000: 447-456.
Shi Guang Qiu and Tok Wang Ling
Index Filtering and View Materialization in ROLAP Environment.
CIKM 2001: 334-340
Ong, KL, S Conrad and T W Ling, eds, Knowledge Discovery and Temporal
Reasoning in Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases. Singapore:
Department of Information Systems and Computer Science, National
University of Singapore, December 1995. 93 pp.
Ling, T W and Y Masunaga, eds, Database Systems for Advanced
Applicatons '95 - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on
Database Systems for Advanced Applications. Singapore: World
Scientific, 1995. 468 pp.
Ling, T W, AO Mendelzon and L Vieille, eds, Deductive and
Object-oriented Databases - Proceedings of the 4th International
Conference on Deductive and Object-oriented Databases. Germany:
Springer-Verlag, 1995. 558 pp.
Ling, T W, Sudha Ram and M L Lee, eds, Conceptual Modeling - ER'98.
Berlin: Springer-Verlag, November 1998. 482 pp.
Teo, Y M, M D Feng, T W Ling and Esther Loh, eds, 8th International
Parallel Computing Workshop (PCW '98). Singapore, 1998. 386 pp.
Ling, T W, ed, Journal of Systems Integration. 6, no.4, United States,
November 1996. (Special issue on Database Systems for Advanced
Applications - I).
Ling, T W, ed, Journal of Systems Integration. 7, no.1, United States,
February 1997. (Special issue on Database systems for Advanced
Applications - II).
Ling, T W, ed, Journal of Systems Integration. 7, no 3/4, United
States, September 1997. (Special issue on Deductive and
Object-Oriented Databases).
Ling, T W and Sudha Ram, ed, Data & Knowledge Engineering. 31, no 3,
November 1999. (Speciall issue: ER'98).