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Articles about Swing Technology

This is the Tech Topics section, where you´ll find articles on a wide variety of Swing-related topics.

Drag and Drop with Swing, Part 1: Drag-and-Drop Fundamentals. By David Geary, the author of Graphic Java: Mastering the JFC.
The Last Word in Swing Threads: This article -- the third article on threading to be published in The Swing Connection -- introduces a revised SwingWorker class, and demonstrates two methods for using threads with model-based components like JTable and JTree.
Painting in AWT and Swing: This article explains the AWT and Swing paint mechanisms in detail. Its purpose is to help developers write correct and efficient GUI painting code.
Generating Action Listeners Dynamically: This article offers some suggestions that will come in handy for developers of IDEs and other kinds of applications that generate listeners for Swing or AWT.
Mastering JList, Part 1: Reviews fundamentals of the JList class and presents several code samples that demonstrate how to use the JList API and how to optimize JList performance.
Component Orientation in Swing: How JFC Components support bi-directional text.
Creating TreeTables in Swing:  Shows how to use a JTree to render JTable cells. Demonstrates the creation of JTrees using a hands-on sample program.
Creating TreeTables: Part 2: This article presents an expanded and improved version of the example program presented in Part 1, and demonstrates the new version of the program.

Understanding the TreeModel:  Why the TreeModel interface´s "Less is More" architecture is an elegant design.

Early-Access JavaHelp Online: How to download and use the new Swing-based JavaHelp API.
Understanding Containers: Why Swing has a JRootPane class, what that class does, and other topics.
Mixing Heavy and Light Components: You can do it; here´s how.
Threads and Swing: How to use Swing in a thread-safe way, and wy Swing components aren´t required to support access from multiple threads.
Using a Swing Worker Thread: This article shows how to use an enhanced version of the SwingWorker class. By doing that, you can implement a background thread that you can use to perform time-consuming operations without affecting the performance of your program's GUI.
The JTable Class in JFC 1.1: In JFC 1.1, the Swing team came up with a lean, mean JTable class that makes it easy to create, manage, and optimize tables using Swing. This article explains and demonstrates how that JTable class was designed.
The JTable Class Is Data-Aware: How the Swing team built data-awareness into the JTable class.
Understanding Borders: How you can create many different kinds of plain or decorative borders using Swing, such as beveled borders for buttons, labeled borders for panels, and borders that are just simple lines.
The Truth about Serialization: How the Swing team cleared the hurdles it encountered in devising a serialization strategy for Swing.
The Swing File Chooser: How File Chooser updates introduced in Release 1.0.2 became a permanent part of Swing.
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