Details of the Election


All full-time matriculated undergraduates of the School of Computing are eligible to stand for election, propose or second a candidate, and vote at the ballots.

Positions Available

The election sees to placing the most capable candidates into the following positions:

Constitutional Management Committee (MC) Posts

  1. President
  2. External Vice-President
  3. Internal Vice-President
  4. Honorary General Secretary
  5. Finance Director
  6. Welfare Director
  7. Communications Director

Non-Constitutional MC Posts

Eight (8) non-constitutional MC positions. The exact appointment will be determined by the incoming Constitutional appointment holders.

NUSSU Representatives

Two (2) NUSSU representatives, who shall represent the Club at the NUSSU level, and hold one (1) NUSSU Executive Committee appointment each.


The election will be conducted in the following stages (please refer to the calendar for detailed dates):

  1. Nominations
  2. Interviews
  3. Campaigning
  4. Balloting

Eligible and interested students have to complete a set of nomination forms and submit them to the Computing Club Committee Room 1 (COM1-02-43) during the nomination period.

All nominations must be proposed and seconded by two seperate full members of the Club (i.e. full-time matriculated undergraduates of SoC), and verified by an Election officer at the Computing Club Committee Room 1 (COM1-02-43).

All nominees will be interviewed by an panel consisting of Computing Club advisors, President (or acting President) of the current MC and Election Committee members.

Nominees who successfully passed the interviews will then have a campaigning period to introduce themselves to the undergraduate population of SoC.

The finale of the election period will be the ballots, where we shall let the votes decide.