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This section contains basic information about the Java Foundation Classes and Swing, as well as a quick-start tutorial that shows how to create Swing applets.

Component Gallery: A pictorial promenade through the Swing Component set.

Getting Started with Swing: An introductory three-part article for people who are new to Swing or want to refresh their memories. This article has three parts:

The Basics: Introduces the basic fundamentals of Swing and Swing technology.

Introducing Swing Architecture: How Swing Components are designed.

Creating a Swing Applet: A tutorial you can follow to build your own applet using Swing.

Swing-AWT Compatibility Page: A comparative chart listing the mix-and-match compatibilities of all known versions of Java® 2, previous versions of the JDK, and Swing.
Introducing Swing: An older, longer article that contains much of the information presented in "Getting Started with Swing," along with some extra details.
The Swing Tool Set: An article that lists and describes all the components in The Swing Set and shows how they work with each other. This article also provides valuable (and up-to-date) information about the packages in the Swing API.
Understanding Swing Architecture: A comprehensive overview of Swing's modified MVC structure and demystifies many other facets of Swing component architecture as well.
Installing a UI Delegate: The essential machinery for managing Swing´s pluggable look-and-feel capabilities is encapsulated into an object called the UI delegate. This page is a fold-out chart that shows how to install and uninstall a UI delegate.
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