Senior Lecturer (Educator Track)- Ph.D. (Computer Science & Engineering, National University of Singapore)
- MS. (Computer Science & Applications)
- BE. (Computer Science & Engineering, Gold Medalist/University First Rank)
I graduated with Bachelor degree in Computing with Gold Medal (University topper) from Bharathiar University in 1994, Professional Masters in Computer Applications from Bharathidasan University in 1999, PGC in Teaching Higher Education from University of Sheffield, UK in 2003 and P.hD. from NUS in 2011. I received research achievement award and my thesis was nominated for best PhD thesis award. I am a member of the Communication and Internet Research Lab (www.cir.nus.edu.sg) and Graduate studies committee. I am founder of Anuflora Systems (www.anuflora.com) and Virtual and Augmented Reality Labs (www.varlabs.org). I am Associate Editor of Computers and Electrical Engineering Journal, Elsevier. I am Vice President of International Researchers club, Singapore. I have been serving as Organizing Chair and Program Chair of several International conferences and in the Program Committees of several International conferences. I have given Keynote talks in IEEE/ACM International Conferences.
Distributed Computing and Wireless Networks (IoT, Security, Blockchain)
Artificial Intelligence (Generative AI, FinTech)
Entertainment Computing (Games, VR/AR/Metaverse)
Teaching Pedagogy

Metaverse Foundry
The groups focus on content generation for games & XR simulations. We create and evaluate games & XR systems for multiple domains (entertainment, healthcare, architecture, etc.). In addition, we experiment with different methods for teaching entertainment media technologies. Our young undergraduate and graduates students won multiple research and innovation awards.
- Bhojan Anand and Pan Wenren, “CloudHide: Towards Latency Hiding Techniques for Thin-client Cloud Gaming,” ACM Multimedia 2017. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 144-152.
- Anand Bhojan, Hong Wei Wong, “TI?AL – Asynchronous multiplayer shooter with procedurally generated maps,” In Entertainment Computing, Volume 16, 2016, Pages 81-93, ISSN 1875-9521.
- Bhojan Anand, Li Kecen, Akkihebbal L. Anand , "PARVAI - HVS Aware Adaptive Display Power Management for Mobile Games,” IPS/IEEE Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking - ICMU 2014.
- Bhojan Anand, "Energy Efficient Multi-player Smartphone Gaming using 3D Spatial Subdivisioning and PVS Techniques," Proceedings of the 21th ACM International Conference on Multimedia - IMMPD 2013, Barcelona, Spain.
- Bhojan Anand , Lee Kee Chong, Ee-Chien Chang, Mun Choon Chan, Akhihebbal L. Ananda and Wei Tsang Ooi, "El-pincel: a painter cloud service for greener Web Pages," Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on Multimedia Nov 2012, Nara, Japan.
- K Thirugnanam, Bhojan Anand, J Sebastian, PG Kannan, AL Ananda, RK Balan, and MC Chan, “Dynamic Lookahead Mechanism for Conserving Power in Multi-Player Mobile Games,” IEEE INFOCOM 2012, Orlando, Florida, Mar 2012.
- Bhojan Anand, Akhihebbal L. Ananda, Mun Choon Chan and Rajesh Krishna Balan, " ARIVU: Making Networked Mobile Games Green - A Scalable Power-Aware Middleware ", MOBILE NETWORKS AND APPLICATIONS, Springer Netherlands, Feb 2012.
- Bhojan Anand, Karthik Thirugnanam, Jeena Sebastian, Pravein G. Kannan, Akhihebbal L. Ananda, Mun Choon Chan, and Rajesh Krishna Balan. 2011. “Adaptive display power management for mobile games,” In Proceedings of ACM MobiSys '11. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 57-70.
2012 Nominated for Best PhD Thesis Award (Wang Gungwu Medal & Prize), National University of Singapore.
2011 Dean’s Graduate Research Achievement Award (PhD), SoC, National University of Singapore.
2006 Best R&D Project award, TOTE Board, Singapore model R&D project, ‘Mobile Industrial Network Integrating 3G for Mobile Experiments’
2003 Best Presenter Award, Industrial-Info Comm. Technology (M2M), Singapore Industrial Automation Association, Mobile/Wireless Enabling Technologies for M2M
2000 Best Presentation Award, Association Of Principals Of Colleges Of Bharathiar University., ‘Need Based Curriculum Development’
1995 Gold medal for first Rank (out of 4000) in Computing, Bharathiar University, Awarded by the honourable Governer of the State
1989 State Government’s Higher Education Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Performance, State 39th Rank among 300,000 candidates.