Provost's Chair Professor

  • Ph.D. (Information Systems, National University of Singapore)
  • M.S. (Electrical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
  • B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi)

Atreyi Kankanhalli is the Provost's Chair Professor in the Dept. of Information Systems and Analytics, School of Computing at the National University of Singapore (NUS). She has served as Deputy Head (Research and Administration), Assistant Dean (Research) and Assistant Dean (Undergraduate Studies) at the School of Computing. She has been the Coordinator of the Service Systems Innovation Research Laboratory at NUS. She obtained her B. Tech. from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, M.S. from RPI, New York, and Ph.D. from NUS. She has had visiting stints at the London School of Economics, University of California Berkeley, ESSEC Business School, and the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Prior to joining NUS, she has considerable experience in industrial R&D. She has consulted for several organisations including World Bank and Bosch SEA. Professor Kankanhalli conducts research in the areas of online communities, digital collaboration, human-AI collaboration, digital transformation in Healthcare, and open innovation, with a range of organisations sponsored by government and industry grants. Her work has appeared in premium journals such as MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Research Policy, Journal of Management Information Systems, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, Journal of AIS, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, International Journal of Human Computer Studies, Communications of the ACM, and Decision Support Systems. Her research has been presented at leading conferences including ICIS, Academy of Management Meeting, HICSS, and WITS. She has over 200 publications which have been highly cited ( Professor Kankanhalli regularly serves on programme committees and chairs tracks for conferences such as ICIS, AoM, PACIS, ICEGOV and ICKM. She serves or has served on the editorial boards of prestigious journals including Information Systems Research (Senior Editor, Associate Editor), MIS Quarterly (Senior Editor, Associate Editor), Journal of AIS (Senior Editor), IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Government Information Quarterly, and Information and Management (Associate Editor), among others. She has been the Programme Chair for ICIS 2021 (the first hybrid AIS conference), ICEGOV 2018, PACIS 2015, and BDAH 2014. She is the Doctoral Consortium Chair for ICIS 2022, ICIS 2026, and AMCIS 2023. She has been invited to serve on the ICKM and SSME Councils. She has also served on the AIS finance committee and the OCIS executive committee as international representative at large. She has held the position of AIS Vice President for Region 3. Professor Kankanhalli has taught courses on a range of information systems (IS) topics such as quantitative methods, information organisation, electronic government, health informatics, information security policy, service systems, and compliance and regulation technology among others. She has been invited to speak at numerous local and international forums. Apart from conducting executive education, she has been involved in writing teaching materials such as training cases and a textbook. Professor Kankanhalli was awarded the President's Graduate Fellowship, Dean's Graduate Award, and Infocomm Development Authority Gold Medal at NUS. She is also the winner of the ACM-SIGMIS Best Doctoral Dissertation award and runner-up for the MISQ Reviewer of the Year award. She is a recipient of the IBM Faculty Award and the IBM Smarter Planet Industry Skills Innovation Award. She has received several best paper awards. She has been listed among the leading IS researchers globally ( Most recently, she has been recognised as an AIS Fellow.


  • Online Communities, Digital Collaboration, Human-AI Collaboration

  • Digital Transformation - particularly in Healthcare, Open Innovation


Designing and Evaluating Healthcare QA Assistants: A Knowledge Based Approach

Healthcare question answer (QA) assistants address user health queries, tackling challenges like misinformation and information overload. This project explores integrating language models (LMs) and knowledge graphs (KG) to enhance the design and evaluation of healthcare QA systems.

The “Other Me”: Human-Centered AI Assistance In Situ

We propose an integrative program of fundamental research towards a vision in which every human will have an AI assistant for daily life and work. Our overall aim is to build conceptual understanding of human-AI collaboration, to develop representations, models, and algorithms for situated assistance, and to integrate them in an experimental device platform for evaluation.




  • Kankanhalli, A. 2024. “Peer Review in the Age of Generative AI”, Journal of AIS, 25(1), 76-84
  • Wright, R., Saunders, C., Sarker, S., Kankanhalli, A., Whitley, E., Tuunainen, V., and Henriksen, H.Z. (2023) “The Scholarly Divide: Insights from the AIS Well-Being Project”, Communications of AIS, 52(1), 30.
  • Sukhwal, P.C., and Kankanhalli, A. 2022. “Determining Containment Policy Impacts on Public Sentiment during the Pandemic Using Social Media Data”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
  • Aanestad, M., Kankanhalli, A., Maruping, L., Pang, M. S., and Ram, S. 2021. "Digital Technologies and Social Justice", MIS Quarterly, 17(3), 515-536.
  • Bhattacharyya, S., Banerjee, S., Bose, I., and Kankanhalli, A. 2020. "Temporal Effects of Repeated Recognition and Lack of Recognition on Online Community Contributions", Journal of Management Information Systems, 37(2), 536-562
  • Ye, H., and Kankanhalli, A. 2020. "Value Co-creation for Service Innovation: Examining the Relationship between Service Innovativeness, Customer Participation, and Mobile App Performance", Journal of AIS, 21(2), Article 8.
  • Ge, C., Huang, K.W., and Kankanhalli, A. 2020. "Platform Skills and the Value of New Hires in the Software Industry", Research Policy, 49(1), 103864.
  • Kim, H.W., Kankanhalli, A., and Lee, S. 2018. "Examining Gifting through Social Network Services: A Social Exchange Theory Perspective", Information Systems Research, 29(4), 805-828.
  • Huang, P., Kankanhalli, A., Kyriakou, H., and Sabherwal, R. 2018 "Knowledge Management"; in MIS Quarterly Research Curations, Ashley Bush and Arun Rai, Eds.
  • Ye, H., and Kankanhalli, A. 2018. "User Service Innovation on Mobile Phone Platforms: Investigating Impacts of Lead Userness, Toolkit Support, and Design Autonomy", MIS Quarterly, 42(1), 165-187.
  • Phang, C.W., Kankanhalli, A., and Tan, B.C.Y. 2015. "What Motivates Contributors versus Lurkers? An Investigation of Online Policy Deliberation Forums", Information Systems Research, 26(4), 773-792.
  • Sutanto, J., Kankanhalli, A., and Tan, B.C.Y. 2015. “Investigating Task Coordination in Globally Dispersed Teams: A Structural Contingency Perspective”, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 6(2)
  • Kankanhalli, A., Ye, H., and Teo, H.H. 2015. "Comparing Potential and Actual Innovators: An Empirical Study of Mobile Data Services Innovation", MIS Quarterly, 39(3), 667-682.
  • Phang, C.W., Kankanhalli, A., and Huang, L. 2014-15. "Drivers of Quantity and Quality of Participation in Online Policy Deliberation Forums", Journal of Management Information Systems, 31(3), 172-212.
  • Pee, L.G., Kankanhalli, A., Tan, G.W., and Tham G.Z.C. (2014) "Mitigating the Impact of Member Turnover in IS Development Projects", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 61(4), 702-716.
  • Kim, H.W., Chan, H.C., and Kankanhalli, A. 2012. "What Motivates People to Purchase Digital Items on Virtual Community Websites? The Desire for Online Self-presentation", Information Systems Research, 23(4), 1232-1245.
  • Kankanhalli, A., L.G. Pee, G.W. Tan, and S. Chhatwal (2012), ”Interaction of Individual and Social Antecedents of Learning Effectiveness: A Study in the IT Research Context”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 59(1), 115-128.
  • Sutanto, J., A. Kankanhalli, and B.C.Y. Tan (2011), "Eliciting a Sense of Virtual Community among Knowledge Contributors", ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 2(3), 14.
  • Xu, Y., H.W. Kim, and A. Kankanhalli 2011, "Task and Social Information Seeking: Whom Do We Prefer and Whom Do We Approach?" Journal of Management Information Systems, 27(3), 211-240.
  • Pee, L.G., A. Kankanhalli, and H.W. Kim (2010), “Knowledge Sharing in IS Development Projects: A Social Interdependence Perspective”, Journal of AIS, 11(10), 550-575.
  • Kim, H.W., and A. Kankanhalli (2009), “Investigating User Resistance to Information Systems Implementation: A Status Quo Perspective”, MIS Quarterly, 33(3), 567-582.
  • Phang, C.W., A. Kankanhalli, and R. Sabherwal (2009), "Usability and Sociability in Electronic Communities: A Comparative Study of Knowledge Seekers and Contributors", Journal of AIS, 10(10), 721-747.
  • Sutanto, J., A. Kankanhalli, J.Y. Tay, K.S. Raman, and B.C.Y. Tan 2008-2009, “Change Management in Inter-Organizational Systems for the Public”, Journal of Management Information Systems, 25(3), 137-178.
  • Kankanhalli, A., B.C.Y. Tan, and K.K. Wei 2007. "Conflict and Performance in Global Virtual Teams", Journal of Management Information Systems, 23(3), 237-274.
  • Phang, C.W., J. Sutanto, A. Kankanhalli, L. Yan, B.C.Y. Tan, and H.H. Teo (2006), “Senior Citizens’ Acceptance of Information Systems: A Study in the Context of E-Government Services”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 53(4), 555-569.
  • Kankanhalli, A., B.C.Y. Tan, and K.K. Wei 2005. "Contributing Knowledge to Electronic Knowledge Repositories: An Empirical Investigation", MIS Quarterly, 29(1), 113-143.


  • Asia Women Tech Leaders Award (AWTLA) 2024

  • Sandra Slaughter Award, 2023

  • AIS Fellow

  • MISQ SE with Exemplary Workload and Cycle time, 2022

  • Singapore 100 Women in Tech, 2021

  • ICIS 2020 Kauffmann Best Student Paper Award

  • AIS Distinguished Speaker

  • AIS Distinguished Member – Cum Laude, 2019

  • Senior Editor MIS Quarterly, Kudos 2019

  • Most Frequent Appearing Authors in the Three Elite IS Journals

  • Best Reviewer Award ICEGOV 2014

  • Best Paper Award, International Journal of e-Collaboration 2012

  • IBM Faculty Award 2010

  • IBM Smarter Planet Industry Skills Innovation Award 2010

  • Best Paper Award, PACIS 2010

  • Fast Breaking Paper in the field of Economics and Business 2007, Thomson ESI

  • Runner-up for the MISQ Reviewer of the Year Award 2005

  • ACM-SIGMIS 2003 Best Doctoral Dissertation Award

  • Infocomm Development Authority Gold Medal 2003

  • President's Graduate Fellowship 2002-2003, NUS

  • Dean's Graduate Award 2002, NUS

  • ICIS 2000 Doctoral Consortium Participant


Information Security Policy and Management


In the News

20220112 AK AIS Fellow Award
13 January 2022
13 January 2022 - Provost’s Chair Professor Atreyi Kankanhalli has won the AIS Fellow Award 2021, a prestigious award given ...
20 October 2021
20 October 2021 – Provost's Chair Professor Atreyi Kankanhalli has made this year’s Singapore 100 Women in Tech (SG100WIT) List, ...
21 December 2020
21 December 2020 – Information Systems PhD student Ahmad Asadullah won the Kauffman Best Student Paper Award at the International ...


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