Certificates of Merit and Distinction

The School of Computing awards the following certificates of merit and distinction to help students highlight their areas of strength. 

Please note that students that has collected the certificate before will not be able to request for the same certificate (of the same level) in subsequent semesters.

With effect from the Academic Year, 2024-25, the Department of Information Systems and Analytics will no longer issue BComp (Information Systems) and BSc (Business Analytics) Knowlege Area Awards for all current undergraduates. The Department continues to issue awards for its specialisations.

BComp (Computer Science) Focus Area Awards

Students are awarded the Certificate of Merit for a particular Computer Science Focus Areas for BComp (CS) if their average grades for the best three graded courses (with at least one at level-4000 and above) that can used for satisfying the focus area is at least 4.00. If the average grade is at least 4.50, the student will be awarded the Certificate of Distinction.

BComp (Information Systems) Knowledge Area Awards

Students are awarded the Certificate of Merit for a particular knowledge area if their average grades for the best three graded courses (with at least one at level-3000 and above) in the knowledge area is at least 4.00. If the average grade is at least 4.50, the student will be awarded the Certificate of Distinction.

The knowledge areas are:

Business Innovation
  • CS4880 Digital Entrepreneurship
  • IS3150 Digital Media Maketing [new]
  • IS3240 Economics of E‐Business
  • IS3243 Technology Strategy and Management
  • IS3251 Principles of Technology Entrepreneurship
  • IS3260 Gamification for Organisations and Individuals
  • IS3261 Mobile Apps Development for Enterprise [new]
  • IS4150 Mobile and Ubiquitous Commerce
  • IS4225 Strategic IS Planning
  • IS4241 Social Media Network Analysis
  • IS4261 Designing IT-Enabled Business Innovations
  • IS4262 Digital Product Management
ICT Solutioning
  • BT3017 Feature Engineering for Machine Learning
  • CS3240 Interaction Design
  • IS2102 Requirements Analysis & Design
  • IS2103 Enterprise Systems Development Concepts or IS2103 Enterprise Systems Server-side Design and Development
  • IS3102 Information Systems Development Project or IS4103 Information Systems Capstone Project [new]
  • IS3107 Data Engineering
  • IS3230 Principles of Information Security
  • IS3261 Mobile Apps Development for Enterprise
  • IS4243 Information Systems Consulting
  • IS4250 Healthcare IT and Analytics
  • IS4301 Agile IT with DevOps
IS Management
  • IS3103 Information Systems Leadership and Communication [new]
  • IS3220 Service Science
  • IS3242 Software Quality Management
  • IS4100 IT Project Management
  • IS4203 IT Adoption and Change Management
  • IS4204 IT Governance
  • IS4226 IT Outsourcing and Offshoring Management
  • IS4231 Information Security Management
  • IS4233 Legal Aspects of Information Technology
  • IS4234 Quality Control and Audit of Information Systems
IS Technology
  • IS3221 Enterprise Resource Planning Systems/ERP Systems with Analytics Solutions
  • IS3222 IT and Customer Relationship Management
  • IS3223 IT and Supply Chain Management
  • IS3241 Enterprise Social Systems
  • IS4151 Pervasive Technology Solutions and Development
  • IS4152 Affective Computing
  • IS4224 Service Systems
  • IS4227 Enterprise Service-Oriented Architecture
  • IS4228 Information Technologies in Financial Services
  • IS4240 Business Intelligence Systems [discontinued from AY2018/19]
  • IS4242 Intelligent Systems and Techniques
  • IS4302 Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
  • IS4303 IT-Mediated Financial Solutions and Platforms

Note: Courses in orange are applicable for cohorts AY2016-17 and earlier.  These courses will be discontinued for new cohorts AY2017-18 and after.

BComp (Information Systems) Specialisation Awards

Students are awarded the Certificate of Merit for the BComp (Information Systems) Specialisation if their average grades for the best X units that can used for satisfying the specialisation is at least 4.00. If the average grade is at least 4.50, the student will be awarded the Certificate of Distinction.

where X is defined as the total units required to complete a specialisation for each cohort

The BComp (Information Systems) Specialisation Awards will be applicable to the following specialisations:
(a) Digital Innovation
(b) Digital Product and Platform Management
(c) Financial Technology
(d) Intelligent Systems Solution Specialisation – applicable to cohorts before 2021.
(e) Artificial Intelligence (AI) System Solutioning Specialisation – applicable to cohorts 2021 and after.

BSc (Business Analytics) Specialisation Awards

Students are awarded the Certificate of Merit for the BSc (Business Analytics) Specialisation if their average grades for the best X units that can used for satisfying the specialisation is at least 4.00. If the average grade is at least 4.50, the student will be awarded the Certificate of Distinction. This award is for Business Analytics students from cohorts 2015-16 and after.

where X is defined as the total units required to complete a specialization for each cohort

The BSc (Business Analytics) Specialisation Awards will be applicable to the following specialisations:
(a) Financial Analytics
(b) Machine Learning-based Analytics
(c) Marketing Analytics

BSc (Business Analytics) Knowledge Area Awards

Students are awarded the Certificate of Merit for a particular knowledge area if their average grades for the best three graded courses (with at least one at level-3000 and above) in the knowledge area is at least 4.00. If the average grade is at least 4.50, the student will be awarded the Certificate of Distinction.  New courses will be considered from Semester 2, AY2016-17 onwards.

Analytics Techniques
(Original: "Analytics Methods")

  • BT2101 Decision Making Methods and Tools
  • BT3017 Feature Engineering for Machine Learning
  • BT3102 Computational Methods for Business Analytics
  • BT4221 Big Data Techniques and Technologies
  • BT4222 Mining Web Data for Business Insights
  • IS3107 Data Engineering
  • IS4240 Business Intelligence Systems [discontinued from AY2018/19]
  • IS4241 Social Media Network Analysis 
  • IS4242 Intelligent Systems and Techniques
  • ST4240 Data Mining

Applied Analytics
(Original: "Business")

  • IS3240 Economics of E‐Business
  • BSP4513 Econometrics: Theory & Practical Business Application/BSE4711 Econometrics for Business II
  • BT4013 Analytics for Capital Market Trading and Investment 
  • BT4016 Risk Analytics for Financial Services[new]
  • DSC3215 Stochastic Models in Management
  • DSC3216 Forecasting for Managerial Decisions/DSN3803 Predictive Analytics in Business
  • DSC3224/DSN3712 Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Management
  • DSC4213/DSN3701 Analytical Tools for Consulting
  • IS4228 Information Technologies in Financial Services
  • IS4241 Social Media Network Analysis
  • IS4302 Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
  • MKT4415C Seminars in Marketing: Applied Market Research
  • MKT4420/MKT4812 Marketing Analytics

Data Science
(Original: Statistics and Optimization)

  • BT4012 Fraud Analytics 
  • BT4015 Geospatial Analytics 
  • BT4240 Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics 
  • DSC3214/DSN3701 Introduction To Optimisation
  • IE2110 Operations Research I
  • IE4210 Operations Research II
  • ST2132 Mathematical Statistics
  • ST3131 Regression Analysis
  • ST4245 Statistical Methods for Finance

Business Domain Applications
(Original:Vertical Applications)

  • BT3101 Business Analytics Capstone Project
  • BT4014 Analytics Driven Design of Adaptive Systems 
  • BT4103 Business Analytics Capstone Project 
  • BT4211 Data-Driven Marketing
  • BT4212 Search Engine Optimization and Analytics
  • IE3120 Manufacturing Logistics
  • IS3261 Mobile Apps Development for Enterprise 
  • IS4250 Healthcare IT and Analytics
  • IS4262 Digital Product Management