CP4106 Computing Project (8 Units)

The School of Computing provides opportunities for students to undertake on a substantial computing-related project work over a period of one year. Students work individually on self-proposed projects or projects proposed by staff. They will have good opportunity to apply what they have learnt on practical problems, be it research-oriented or software development-oriented.

CP4106 is letter-graded. Student is required to submit a report at the end of first semester into the project. The supervisor and main evaluator would assess on student’s performance and on his/her competence and attitude towards the project. On completion of the project a student is required to submit a report describing the project work and give an oral presentation before a panel of examiners, in a seminar environment.

CP4106 spans over a period of two semesters, with a workload of approximately 260 hours, and will be 8 units.

This project option is open to all computing students who have completed at least 112 units. Students who are doing / plan to complete a Final Year Project (CG4001, BT4101, CP4101, or any Integrated Honours Thesis/Project/Dissertation course) are not eligible to take CP4106.

Please refer to the webpages of your specific programme requirements for more information on how CP4106 can be used to fulfill your degree requirements. 

CP4106/FYP/UROP terms and conditions are aligned. Hence you may refer to this link for more information on the project prior commencing: https://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/programmes/ug/project/fyp/before/

For enquiries, please contact Ms Ivy Ng.