Course Schedule – Special Term

a) For course synopsis, please refer to NUSMODS. It lists out the detailed course information including the description, prerequisites, preclusions. NUSMODS also has a timetable planner.
b) For lecturer details, click on the hyperlinked names. It will link to their official biography pages.
c) Not all courses have examinations.

Course Code Course Title Special Term (Part I),
13 May - 22 Jun 2024
Special Term (Part II),
24 Jun - 3 Aug 2024


Programming Methodology
Units = 4


KHOO Siau Cheng
Grp S1: Mon 10:00-12:00 LT19
            Tue 10:00-12:00 LT19

Last Modified on: 26 July 2024 23:5:2
The information on this page is refreshed at 12 noon and 11 PM daily. Course Coordinators, if your module needs rescheduling, please contact the Teaching Coordinator.