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27 January 2022
27 January 2022 - Four new faculty members have joined NUS Computing’s Department of Information Systems and Analytics.
27 August 2019
These days, it seems that whenever you’re thirsty and in need of a quick caffeine pick-me-up, there’s always a Starbucks close by — whether you’re running errands locally in the Singapore heartlands of Bedok, or climbing the Badaling section of the Great Wall of China. Starbucks’ ubiquity isn’t just a figment of your imagination, it’s a fact backed by the firm’s latest sales figures.
13 November 2018
One of the most famous folklore in marketing and data mining goes like this: many years ago, Walmart noticed that on Fridays, men would head to the store, pick up some diapers for their babies and grab a six-pack at the same time. To take advantage of this, Walmart placed the diaper and beer aisles adjacent to each other, resulting in skyrocketing sales for both items.
7 September 2018
One of biggest challenges in marketing is the task of identifying influencers in today’s large and complex social networks, such as Facebook or LinkedIn.